Sunday, 27 September 2009

Love one another as I have loved you

By Garold Anderson

Love one another as I have loved you. The world will know that we are Christians by the love that we show to one another. We have a hope and a future in Him.

Kent Hodge

It's been a very nice time. We are starting a school called Christian Faith Academy. It is for the preschool age. They interviewed yesterday and we have chosen two staff. It is great to be a part of what God is doing there.

Esther Hodge

Susie and I are medical students in London and as part of that year we spend a couple of months working in a hospital somewhere else in the world. So we decided to go to Jos. We went to a hospital called Faith Alive Foundation, which is in central Jos, pretty near to where the riots happened last November. It provides free services to Muslims and Christians. It was started by a Nigerian who trained in a prestigious hospital in America, but God told him to go back to Nigeria, and so He obeyed. He started a clinic and offered medicine and counselling for people with HIV. The main work they do there is fighting AIDS. Almost 10% of the population there have HIV. Only 3% of the people who have HIV actually get drugs to fight it and a lot of them are in Nigeria, because of this hospital. He treats people through the support of English churches and an American relief system set up by President Bush to provide AIDS relief for the people in Nigeria.

I used to think of AIDS as a bad disease because I thought it was their fault. But a lot of the people who came there were Muslim girls who were married at very young ages and had got AIDS either from their mothers or their husbands. So, it wasn't really their fault. This doctor is working so hard to help people. Every person he sees he treats as an individual and will pray for them regardless of whether they are a Christian or a Muslim. They treat them with medicine but also holistically.

Every morning at 8 o'clock they have a devotion and someone will preach to them for about half an hour from the Bible and then give a talk on how to stay healthy. One of the biggest problems out there is lack of education. Three ladies came up to me and told me that they couldn't sleep at night and they were really hot. Basically nobody had told them anything.

So first thing in the morning they preach to these people, Christians and Muslims alike. They tell them that God can heal them whether they are Christians or not. So they use the hospital to spread the Gospel as well as to treat people.

The second morning we were there I was sitting in the devotion, and Doctor Chris told me that I had to get up and preach, which I wasn't expecting at all. So I just had to get up and speak to them. I had to do that three times throughout the week. This has really taught me a lot and I am really grateful for the experience. What really struck me was the people because, regardless of what I 'd said, they'd all come up to me and encourage me. They are all so welcoming and friendly. English people I think sometimes tend to be quite judgemental, but the people there are so open and there is so much opportunity to grow there because you can get up and make a fool of yourself and they will still congratulate you afterwards.

Susie Liniker

The hospital started as a clincic. Basically it treats mostly HIV patients but there are also outpatient and pre-natal clinics. They also teach people how HIV is prevented. It was very interesting listening to the counselling sessions because the people don't know anything about their health. In one session I sat in with a lady who couldn't even read. She had the test done and it turned out negative, but the doctor had to explain what negative meant because she didn't understand it. There was another couple who had been tested a few months earlier, and it turned out that the husband was positive and she was negative. But she didn't believe it because there is period in which the virus for HIV cannot be detected. Anyway, the doctor reassured that she was negative, which was such a good thing for here because it meant that she would be able to have children free from HIV.

I haven't done anything with HIV in this country so it was good to see what they do over there. In the anti-natal sessions they encourage the husbands to get involved. They give the wife an invitation to bring the husband along because if you get the husband involved, he will be more interested in the children. The husband is very important over there because the wives actually have to ask their husbands if they can take the medicines given by the doctor. So having the doctors there means that the wives are more likely to take the medicine.

What really interested me was that this was a Christian hospital, but there were Christians there of all denominations, and they all worked together and prayed together. I think it was more a church than a hospital. They were Christians all with different backgrounds with a common goal: they wanted to reach out and help others. They come together, they have devotion and preaching in the morning, then Dr. Chris prays with his patients, then in the afternoon they pray together. So it is a church, they are group of Christians working together to help others.

We had the chance to go to other areas of the hospital, for example they have clinics outside the hospital. On the second week they had a conference for tribal leaders about preventing and treating HIV. This is very helpful because couples go to these leaders to ask if they should get married if the husband is possible, and they also ask them about using condoms. It was really interesting to see how the Christians discussed this issue.

Garold Anderson

Good morning. Well before I begin I would like to say again how wonderful it has been to be with and Laurie and I truly feel a part of this body of believer. So it's just exciting to be back again after so many years and then after our few visits with you in the last year or so.

I just want to make sure that the things I have said recently have been remembered. With the children at school, we looked at the story of the three little pigs and the building blocks of our lives. Because Jesus told a story that was like that with two people who built their houses on two different things.

I'm going to talk about a very strong building block of our lives, a strong foundation. With the Logos group we talked about a strong issue of foundation. I gave the challenge to think about these next months and take some time to pray. One of the ideas was, what is it that convinces us that God is real? And if not, what is standing in our way to be convinced? What is the foundation of our lives?

As I come to the end I will come into prayer. The building blocks of our lives is a part of what I want to talk about. I'm usually a creative person and I create many things. On Friday we did a play by someone else which was a modern day version of Adam and Eve and the breaking down of a relationship. It was a very painful story and it is at this point that I want to begin today.

The testimonies that we had from Nigeria were so fascinating and it's amazing how God really brings everything together for a Sunday service. We cannot do everything but our God can and we can work together with him.

A promise, a prayer and a command.

I want to begin with a simple prayer.

Ish and Isha, in the play that we did on Friday, it was the use of drama to convey the reality of what sin and brokeness really has done.We often read the story of Adam and Eve it often remains a story on the page. In this play, we really brought it painfully to life, with modern day people and circumstances. This is the beauty of knowing God and this is the beauty of Christianity that there is a way forward.

I want to begin with a promise.

I have been praying for this time with you and this is something God placed on my heart for us. And though this promise was spoken to the children of Israel many years agao but it can still play a part in our lives.

Jeremiah 29:11 (show/hide)

Years ago when I was much more wise than I am now, I would think about the words in scripture that were powerful: oo FAITH! And another powerful word would be LOVE. It's a soft word of God but it's love that brought Jesus to the cross. I thought hope was a weak word. I hope I can...

Listen to this, the promise: I know the plans he has for you, not for give you a hope.

I have learnt that it is one of the strongest words in scripture.

There are things in life that happen to people; there are times when people find they have a disease in their body called HIV, Aids. And when people face these things, they lose all hope. There are times in relationships that people see no way forward and they lose all hope. There are times even in churches that we face difficulties together and we begin to lose perspective and we lose hope.

Before we can really come to the place of FAITH we've got to have hope. Hope. Ok, I want to a little theatrical exercise with you. I want you to say the word hope with me. I want you to repeat it the way I say it.

We need to know that we have a future. When we find ourselves hitting a wall and in difficult places, how do we know that we have a hope and a future. Because God is our God. God has a plan for your church and for your life. Even if you find that this church is not where you want to stay, there is a hope for me and a hope for everyone here; here is a future. We're not talking about some kind of social club, we're talking about the living body of Crhist. Whether we are here or in Nigeria or in London; the living body of Chrsit. We have a hope and a future. God knows the plans for you, for your welfare and that are not for disaster.

Jeremiah 29:12 (show/hide)

There are many things that are before you. There are many things. There are many decisions before you in the very close future of this church. Many important things that this church needs to decide and do. I think the cameras that you have...the facilities are amazing. That's a sideline. With your life, and with the relatiionshiops tha are here, things need to be accomplished.

You have to begin by asking why and what. God says, you will come and you will pray and I will listen.

Can you imagine if I came here to speak to you, and as I was speaking, my feet began to do what they wanted. You see it doesn't work if the body doesn't work together. Communiciation doesn't work if the body doesn't work together. Paul says such a powerful thing: 'How can the hand say to the foot, 'I don't need you'. Paul says, 'No, this is the beauty and the amazing thing about Christianity: it's a body.' Each part is needed. Each part has a very important thing to bring. You have a very important role and part to play within this body. You. But somehow within it, we've got to find a way to work together. So we begin with knowing that God says we have a future. God has plans for us to give us a hope and a future.

A command.

The thing that is on my heart to deposit here today is foundational. It's just solid rock. I really pray that we are able to take this seed because this is the heart of christinaty. I want you to imagine with me, from the gospel of john...

This takes place at the end of the ministry of Jesus. This is the end of his time with his disciples; those he has been mentorying. As he comes to the end, he's going to say, 'guys just remember brush your teeth everyday'. I think he would say something a bit more serious. 'Ok guys, always keep the other guys guessing.' No. What would you do if this was the last day with your family? You know this is the last moment, you would think real hard and say what is the most important seed thatI can plant into their life. And that's exactly what Jesus does.

We've been through a lot together and now it's coming to the end...

John 13:31-34 (show/hide)

'A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another'.That is a very powerful command and then He goes on and adds something else: 'That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.'

The Bible is really specific. We know love because love has been defined for us. While we were enemies of God, He extended his love through his Son to us. God proved his love in that way. This is how we know love; that Christ died for us. We don't just have some kind of idea of love. We have a real definition and that is the thing that transforms my life, is that I have a real solid definition of love in the one that I am following.

'Love one another, in the same way that I have loved you.' That brings us hopefully to a place that we heard in a song earlier. We can't love others without him. Remain in me and you can do this. Without him we cannot walk in that kind of love.

I want you to understand how important this was when he spoke these words to his disciples.

John 13:35 (show/hide)

He didn't say, 'if you can stop all conflict...' No. Love one another. We are different. We have different parts to play and it is within us, that Jesus gives us the command to love one another, as he has loved us. It is an amazing command and he expects that we can do it.

This is how people will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.

I just want to accent this by looking at John 15.

John 15:9-10 (show/hide)

John 15:12 (show/hide)

John 15:17 (show/hide)

It's a thing he keeps repeating to his disiples and something that needs to reverberate in the depths of our souls. Love one another as I have loved you. He says it again. Here's my command, love one another. And then he says it again.

Be so concenered about one another, even if you disagree. Because this is the power. God IS love. The power on this earth that created all things that are is love. God, the power that can stand against the fiery furnace, is love. Christ is about to go the cross, the absolute example of love, and he's talking to his disiples about love.

I want to leave us with a prayer. A promise that God has a future for us. God has spokem to use because God has plans for us. God loved the world so much that he sent his Son, and his own sons and daughters into the world. But this is how it's all going to happen: Love one another.

God gave his disciples a simple format of a prayer. He said 'Our father, who art in heaven, your name is holy. You are the name above all. You are the God who made all things. Holy is your name.' That's where Jesus begins in the prayer to focus on God. 'May your kingdom and your ways come on earth, just as they happened in heaven. May your ways come into my life, just as it happens in heaven. Jesus bring your love and your possibility of loving and giving into my life, just as your will is accomplished in heaven. Today, give me what I need, the depth of my soul and the strength to do what is before me today. And I ask in my own life, that your forgiveness would come. Forgive me. Have mercy on me. So I also say, forgive those who have done something against me. Give me the hope to be able to forgive. Help me to get past my weakness and to forgive those who have done things against me. And I would ask that you would lead us away from the paths of temptation and from the evil. Deliver us. And give us a hope and a future. For thine is the kingdom of love and forgiveness and hope a future. Thine is the power to accomplish these things in my life. And thine is the glory. And as we follow you, we proclaim that it is you who does these things. Amen.'

Friday, 25 September 2009

God first loved us

By Garold Anderson

God loved us so much that, while we were yet His enemies, He sent His son to die for us. This means that we can receive and live in amazing grace. some people think that, when they get saved, they will be perfect, but the reality of our lives is that we all make mistakes. We have to bring these mistakes before the throne of God and ask for His mercy.

The use of communication, of creative expression, is powerful. There are so many things to creatively communicate. When we come into a church building and we think about drama we often think about 'something happens...and then there is the telling of the Gospel that Jesus loves a person and they get saved, and that's it. But the Bible is filled with many other ideas. I want to challenge you to think beyond what you've experienced before.

Me and Thea are going to be performing a piece today that has four movements called 'Ish and Isha'. When I have finished the piece I want us to use it as meditation. I grew up in a small church in Oklahoma and when I first heard the word meditation, I thought that it was some new age idea. I want to talk today a little bit about Biblical meditation; to take a moment and to consider something. How often do you stop and consider something? How often to you stop and really think about the words of the songs we sing?

So, as we perform this piece I want you to drink it in and then we will listen to a piece of music by a friend of mine. The piece will be from a well-known composer named Bach. As we listen to the music I want you to think back on what you've seen. I want you to consider your response and respond in your heart to what you see to God, to people you know and to people you don't know.

The reality of our lives is that we face situations that hurt us. Meditation is about taking the memories and the thoughts before the throne of God. Jesus said that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That is the past, He is also the God of the present and the future. All things are not forgotten, but they are brought into the heart of God.

It is a different way to look at theatre, to place something before us that is very real. I often say to people that when we open the Bible and read the stories they are sometimes very nice but they all seem to far away from us. With this dramatization we have tried to make the story of the fall very close. The reality does not just affect Adam and Eve, it affects me.

What is the reality of the life that we face? Isn't this how it? What you need to do is go and bring people to Jesus because when you get to know Jesus everything is just going to be ok. I don't think that's really Biblical. Everything gets better when we come back into a relationship with God. But that doesn't mean that everything will go fine. You and I know in the reality of our lives that we face relationships, in our marriages and families, that we need something that is beyond a one moment experience with God. Jesus help me! And now I'm saved. But now what? This is the question that we face every day. Christianity is not a magic potion that, once you've taken it, means everything will be fine. What is this thing we've entered into?

Romans 5:2 (show/hide)

Romans 5:6 (show/hide)

Romans 5:8-10 (show/hide)

Paul paints such a different picture. When I first read this chapter with eyes that really saw this it was actually shocking to me. I don't want to say that it is wrong to use the word saved, but Paul uses such a different terminology, he uses the word 'reconciled'. That means to be brought back together with someone. He says that the amazing thing about God's love is that while we were His enemies He allowed His Son to die for us. There's a real salvation that is presented but what Paul is saying is that the first thing that God did was bring us back home. To look at you as the enemy and to say 'let me do this for you'. He has so much more for us that He wants to do for us day by day, but the first God wants to get clear is that we are His sons and daughters and we are coming home.

Romans 5:9-10 (show/hide)

The Greek words are very strange words that we don't have in the English word. They are this ongoing idea of perpetual salvation, from faith to faith, from glory to glory. Why do need that? We prayed once, and now we're all perfect aren't we? Now all my problems are gone and every relationship I have is beautiful. No. There is a hope of that day of being with Him face to face, but now we face momentary difficulties and sometimes they are great difficulties. This is the truth. We are human beings and we are broken, we have come to know that our Father loves us. As much as we want to say by faith that we are righteous, we know that we make mistakes. We miss the mark of what we want to accomplish. We have relationships that we want to honour each in, but then something gets said and we start done a path of saying things that are so hurtful. And now we live in conflict and start thinking, am I not a child of God? I have missed the mark, and the Bible calls that sin. We know that we sin.

This is the mystery that there really is hope, strength, life and salvation for me on an ongoing basis. Here is another part of the mystery: the same applies for the others sitting next to you. We think our way is right because we sons of God, but grace is also in my wife's life. In the conflicts that we have there is also grace and hope for us because while we the enemy of God He gave His son for me. In that attitude I have to come back to my wife. In that attitude we can get past Ish and Isha. This is the amazing thing called Christianity. Not that Christ died for us and now we are all perfect, but that we now have the opportunity to extend the grace which we have received to others. We have the opportunity to reach up on high and ask God to have mercy on ourselves and others. We can be God's Kingdom in this earth, right in the midst of the brokenness of our lives.

This book I have in my hand is so fascinating; the imagery is just brilliant.

Proverbs 17:14 (show/hide)

Once you pour water out a cup you cannot get it back in. Sometimes we spill the water. At the beginning of a conflict, the releasing of our words is like the releasing of a great flood, so abandon a quarrel before it breaks out. Those are wise words but the reality of my life is that sometimes I let words out that I really wish I hadn't, and then I can't get them back. We know how to communicate well and often the communication is like the water poured out. We can't get it back but there is grace.

The reality of Christianity can go in two ways: it can be closing my eyes and saying everything is ok and ignoring the facts that I'm still filled with hurt and pain, or the reality is that I know my Redeemer lives and that in this day there is real amazing grace, and even though it hurts me very much to look at the mistakes in my own life, I am going to stop up to the plate and ask God to have mercy on me and to help me grow. I am going to ask God to help me receive the next part of the salvation you have given me, and help me to extend to my family and the people in my neighbourhood. Christianity is a day by day journey.

In a real quick way, through these dramatic pieces and through these verse, I've tried to bring us to the understanding of the reality of our lives and the journey we undertake with God. But I also believe that the words we speak can either bring life or death. We need to learn to go to the Bible and find blessings for one another. We have to meditated on God's power and ask Him to bring restoration in our lives as well as asking God that we might bless those in our lives.

I know that there are issues in life but we can speak blessings and curses; let us people who speak blessings. Let us live in the blessing of God.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Fulfil His will today

Introduction by Andrew Love

It struck me this week that we have today, we don't know what tomorrow brings; we may not have tomorrow, but we have today. Today the call of God is to fulfil His will today, not next week.

I just want to introduce Apostle Odia again. There are some people in life that you just make a connection with and I think God orders all things and some of the connections you make will influence your future. I don't know what that connection is going but I do think a connection has been made between this church and his work in Ghana. I don't know where it is going but I'm thankful to God for Apostle Odia's encouragement and example.

By Pastor Francis Odia

I want to confess that London has not been part of my agenda this year. And so for me to get a Visa in ten days and to be standing before you today is a miracle.

This morning I want you to turn with me to Luke.

Luke 10:29-37

The Priests saw and they passed by but the Levite saw and had compassion. May your hearts and souls be filled with compassion.

In the story we just read, the lawyer asked Jesus who was his neighbour. Jesus answered that our neighbour is anyone we have the opportunity to help, regardless of whether they are a Christian or not. There are six things I want this house to take note of:

1. The lawyer saw the wounded man was a (something)

2. The robbers saw the wounded man as someone to exploit.

There is a difference between a thief and a robber. A thief can steal from you when you are not aware of it, but a robber can steal from you when you are. God said in Malachi, if you take my (something) you are a robber because God is watching you while you are stealing His money. But Jesus described these people as thieves.

3. The religious men saw the wounded man as a problem to be avoided.

4. The innkeeper saw the wounded man to serve for a fee.

I don't know where you find yourself today.

5. To the Samaritan the wounded man was a person worthy of his compassion.

I want to explain this: the Jews and the Samaritans don't agree because the Jews are the pure descendants of Abraham, whereas the Samaritans are not, they are the Jews who have intermarried with the Gentiles. So the pure Jews hate the Samaritans. But the Samaritan saw the wounded man worth being cared for and loved.

6. To Jesus all of them and all of us are worth dying for.

I want to encourage you here that we have been called to reach the dying world. The Bible says that when we were yet sinners He loved us and offered Himself, so that through His death, the Chinese, the English, the Canadians can be reconciled back to God. To Jesus the wounded man was worth dying for.

All around us, from Brentwood to London to Ghana there are people who have been wounded by thieves. Some of our children have been wounded by drugs, some of our husbands and wives have been wounded by the devil. Everyone that is wounded needs attention. No religion in this world has an answer for mankind's need, except through Jesus Christ. Men and women in Trinity we are God's people called by Him, washed by the blood for God's work to be accomplished on earth. The reason why God has allowed you to be here to hear this message is so you can reach the wounded world. Your wounded world begins from your Jerusalem. The devil is a liar; everyone that is wounded will be reached through Christ.

I want to say again that religious leaders don't have the answers. No religious organisation has the answers for wounded souls. No religious leaders have answers for the world that we live, in except Jesus. God will use people in each generation to help the wounded souls. If anyone will avail Himself unto God, He will use that person. You can be a Jew, a Gentile, a Samaritan, but if you say Lord 'use me', He will. Not all are called to preachers, but all are ministers of God. If you sweep a house in Ghana you use a broom but here you use a Hoover. When you turn the Hoover on in your house you are a minister in that house. All the singers here, all those who give out leaflets on the streets, you are ministers to the dying world. If God can find people who are willing to go the extra mile, the wounded world can be reached.

Christians everywhere tend to be so self-focused. The wounded man needed attention. The Samaritan was on his own journey, he had his own plans for the day. But because this man saw a need he allowed his programme to be disrupted. There is nothing wrong if your plan is disrupted by God for a divine course. I am here to announce to you that if you really want God to make use of your life, you must avail yourself. The Samaritan got down from his animal and bandaged the man. No one in this life can be rich without God using somebody.

I want to make two statements: God is sovereign. Sometimes He can visit somebody as He visited Saul, without any human involvement. God is still doing that in the Muslim world today, supernaturally giving them dreams they have no answers for. Anytime God won souls in the Bible, by revealing Himself to them, people became blind, for example, Saul. The moment Jesus said, 'I am He', he became blind. So God doesn't reveal Himself to people for soul-winning, He uses people.

There are two things I want to say today:

1. The world must be rich by us having oil in our hands. Oil stands for the anointing. The Bible said the Samaritan took the man to the inn and poured oil in his wounds.

Without the power of God what we have would be religion, but when we have the anointing yolks will be destroyed.

2. The Samaritan gave the man some wine, which stands for the blood of Jesus.

The Bible says there are three things that bear record in heaven and on earth: the spirit, the water and the blood. The three are one. Every child of God must have enough wine in his hands. You must carry the power of the blood in your life. You must also have the oil in your hands.

Revelation 6:6

When you read from verse 1 you see four horses: red, pale, black and white; each representative of something. This chapter is revealing the economical struggles in the last days that everything we see will be shaking except two things: the angels that will bring death, famine and economic hardship, have been commanded not to touch the oil and the wine. Everyone here who has the oil and the wine, Satan will try to bring down, but because of the oil and the wine, God will take the glory at the end.

The angels of God commanded the ones that sat on the horse that they could touch everything but the oil and the wine. You see when you become a Christian family, or a church, that respects the blood of Jesus and the oil so much, whatever the devil does, it will work for your good. In Judges it says that out of the strong came (sweetness?). The lion that was designed to kill, God made it to produce honey. Everything that had been designed by the devil to destroy you, will work for your God. God will cause the lion's carcass to produce honey for your enjoyment. Everything Satan has plotted to destroy: this church, your homes and this world, because of the workings of God everything will be turned around to produce good to His glory.

Abraham asked God whether He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if He could find ten righteous men and God said no. I am here to tell you that there are more than ten righteous people in this church. By the Spirit of God I announce that every power that has conspired to destroy what God has begun, out of it shall flow honey and sweetness because you cannot destroy what God has established with the blood of His son. The church was purchased by the very blood of Jesus. The grave cannot hold His blood. The gates of hell cannot stand against the finished work of Christ. What God has put together, no man can pull asunder. Our lives are so precious in the sight of God. Why? Because it took the blood of His own Son to bring you this far. You are not here by chance; you are here because heaven has signed your presence to be here now. You are in the hands of God, and when you are there no enemy can snatch you out of the hands of God; it is impossible.

Today, God is looking for men and women with a compassionate heart. All God is looking for is people who know that this dying world needs attention. If you are hurt in any way in your life, this is the time to allow God to heal you because there are many people who are wounded and are ready to die, and how can you save a dying world if you too are dying? As God is speaking to you today I want to challenge you to start a revolution in this church. I want us to make a problem for the leadership. Before you give your family Christmas presents this year, give the family of God one soul. The Bible says that when one sinner comes to Christ heaven rejoices. So before you make your children rejoice, make heaven happy first. Then by Christmas time, there will be so many souls added to the family of God that this church will have to two services on Sunday.

If each one of you would say that my life on earth is meaningless unless I become like Jesus - a soul-winner, souls would be added to the church. Jesus is a teacher, preacher, healer, and soul-winner. The Bible says: as He is, so are we in this world. That's why I am convinced that as long as I live, this Gospel must be preached every day, everywhere.

I will close with two things: it is a mystery when you came into this world, you don't know the day or the hour, and when you leave this world it will be a mystery too. But there is one thing we can be sure of: you can prepare your home up there by what you do in this life. I want to encourage the family of God here so that everyone will not end this year without having added a soul to the church. People can't be saved unless they are preached to.

I want to end with a story. I was going to chase a woman and I found Jesus. I didn't find Jesus in a church, I found Jesus in a girl's aunt's room. I told you already that I wasn't from a Christian home but, when I was in polytechnics, I went to Nigeria by bus and supported myself with the business of trading between Ghana and Nigeria. In two months I met a lady many times on the same flight. So I thought she would be good for friendship. God can take the foolish things in this life and use it for His glory. This girl directed me to her house. So I went on 4th November 1983; I will never forget that day until I am laid to rest. When I went there the girl I was looking for was not there, but her aunt was. So for almost two hours this Holy Ghost-filled aunt had the opportunity of talking to this girl-chasing sinner. I did not go to church and I didn't even believe that God could bless.

After two hours this girl had not come back, but the aunt had talked to me about Jesus, His love and the plan of God until I yielded to her invitation of sanctimony. That day I went to church and when I heard the Gospel I surrendered to Jesus. Since that day I have not regretted giving my life to Jesus once. This woman was not a preacher, just a church-goer like us. But she found the opportunity, given by God, for her to minister to me. We have only 6 billion people in this world, you will not meet all of them, but you will meet some, and they are the people God wants you to touch with His Gospel. This woman saw that this boy, that had been sent to chase a girl, was a candidate for heaven. Today, here I am. If that woman had closed her mouth, would I be standing before you today? The more we close our mouths and don't reach out to the wounded souls, the more we allow people to die and go to hell.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Be His prisoner

By Pastor Andrew Love

For me and my family going to Ghana was a reminder of what our Christian walk is really about. It refocused our attention on what God is doing. It has challenged all of us, including me, about the focus of our lives. So that song was appropriate because our lives are about being consumed with Jesus Christ. Our challenge is our daily walk with Him, with our focus solely on Him. When that happens so many things get put into the right perspective, and so many things that seem so problematic no longer are. When you are focused on what He wants and you align yourself on His work you begin to see things as He sees, and feel as He sees; that is a different way of living but I think it is the call on everyone of our lives, to turn our eyes upon Jesus. In that moment everything else fades into insignificance.

The challenge that I felt in Ghana was really inspired by God, and came through the life of another man. I met a man whose life is focused on Jesus Christ and for whom that chorus is a daily living reality. I know trying to pump his ego but there are brothers in the faith who are examples to us and, in the short time we were there, I learnt from the example of this man. I didn’t expect that within only a few weeks he would be sitting here, it has all come about very unexpectedly. But I delighted that he is here and I am looking forward to seeing what he is going to say.

Pastor Francis Odia

If this clapping is to me can you please direct it instead to Christ Jesus instead. I bring great things from Ghana here today and it is my prayer that the Lord will use me and His word to challenge and encourage you today.

Today I want to share my testimony with you and also what I do as a pastor in Ghana. I call myself a pastor missionary to my people, which is what I have been doing for the past thirteen years. My ministries began Sept 1996 and since then we have established 90 churches, but I am pastor of 74 churches with 104 pastors working with me.

I am not a typical pastor that stays in a church every week. My life has been reaching out to the unreached and I believe this is what Jesus will do.

Ephesians 4: 1-3

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I consider myself not just a Christian, but a prisoner of the Lord, so that my life on earth will be for Him. Many are called and we must understand that each one of us is being called by God. As you see yourself in His hands so your life will be, but as for me, I see myself as a prisoner to Him, so that I will not be on my own. I want to be someone who pleases Him that has called me. Paul beseeches each one of us to bear with one another in love.

I was born 48 years ago to a father who had 27 children. I happened to be number 14 out of the 27. My father had eight wives. When I was growing up I saw four mothers in the house, including my mother. My father died with four mothers in the house. If you look to my background there is no Christianity there. When he was 60 years old he began attending the Presbyterian Church but I only believe he went so that he could be buried in the Presbyterian cemetery. That is the kind of family I was born into. Out of all my brothers and sisters no one attended university, apart from one who tried incredibly hard and managed it. Out of the 27 only one bought a car. But I can see that, though the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, my life as a Christian among my brothers looked quite different. I can own this to the faithfulness of God. I didn’t see anybody in my family become a pastor. Therefore I can claim that out of both my mother’s and father’s side I am the only pastor. This is the work of God’s grace.
When I realised that God wanted to use me because of where I came from I knew that I could not depend on myself, I had to depend on God for everything. So I chose a life of prayer and fasting. I cannot depend on myself or my education to succeed as a servant of God. I must instead depend on the grace of God and His faithfulness to me. God is alive and what He has allowed me to experience shows that the book we have is alive; every word in it is inspired by God. My experience as a pastor is not theory, it is very practical.

My first church is called Living Word Assemblies. That church happened to be founded by me. It was founded through zeal and not call. I didn’t know I was called to pastor a church but about eight of us came together and we began to pray and God started to show us why we were praying; it then became a church. From that beginning the church has grown to the point where now we have two services a week.

In 1984 I realised that God wanted me to be a full-time pastor. I didn’t know what to do so I told the leadership that I believed God was calling me. By 1955 I realised God wanted to pick me out of a successful church – by then the church was so successful that it was in the top five most successful churches in that land. God said to me in a dream to move out to another town, the history of which was that no church above 150 people had ever been planted there. So I shared this with my wife and she wondered why we needed to start another church when we already had a successful church. But I knew what God had told me so I decided to pray until God spoke to my wife. I did a thirty day all-night vigil. I spent those days seeking God’s direction in this new place. Four dreams came to the church members, but none to my wife. But I needed her consent and so by December 1956 I decided to fast on water and honey for forty days. I wanted God’s guidance of where to plant the church and I also wanted Him to speak to my wife. God answered in a very strange way.

My wife and my children then moved to this town. It was a very challenging work at first because no pastor had ever succeeded in planting a church there. My old brothers at the church asked me why I had gone there. I told them that in the Olympic games people went to break records; I was going to this town now to break a record by setting up a church. That place now has seen not only my church grow, but other churches have been established there too.

Since 1966 God has allowed me to fast on honey and water seven times for forty days. When you take fasting and praying out of my life I will be empty. From fasting and praying I have seen so many miracles: healing miracles, deliverance miracles. At one point I travelled to a village that was totally dedicated to idol worship as are all the other villages on the island where that village was situated. There is not a single church on that island. I say this to the glory of God. This year I completed another forty day fasting. God told me to go there for a crusade. One night a family surrendered there lives to Jesus and one particular man among them came to me the following morning and told me that he had slept very well the previous night when for three years he had not been able to sleep well. He told me that when he had got home he had felt a burning sensation all over him and he had come back to me to ask for me to pray that the rest of the burning sensation would go. I asked him what work he did. He said he was a fisherman, a farmer and a voodoo priest. I told him that the idols had to be burnt but he protested because the idols had been passed down from generation to generation in his family. I asked him if he wanted to die and if he wanted to remain sick because he would only be made completely whole if the idols were burned. Then the man told me that I didn’t know what I was asking because they belief that if you look at some of the idols you will die. So I told him that if any his gods killed me after I had burnt them, none of his families should believe the Bible or Jesus. You see you cannot go to these areas in your own strength, only in the strength of Jesus because in Him alone can we have security. The name of Jesus has power and in that name everything must bow. So we decided to burn the idols the following day.

In the morning we had to cross two rivers. If you have been faced with the challenge of a real confrontation you will know that Jesus is alive and the every power must confess that He is the Lord. I told the man that we were going. So we walked about five miles and then took a canoe, walked a few more miles and then got another canoe. When we arrived at the village, the villagers had gathered together because they knew that something that had never happened before was about to happen. Here was a Christian preacher coming to a village sold to Satan, to burn the idols. The people were saying that if we left the village alive, they would know that the gods of their land were not powerful. I said that if we did leave alive, God would stay in this village permanently. See, anywhere a child of God goes you must carry Jesus with you, and when you get there you must establish the flag of heaven. Whether you are a preacher or a missionary you carry heaven in your body. I said, as long as I am in this village, Jesus is staying permanently.

When we got to the village there was a confrontation between one of the villagers and a member of my team. One of their people got possessed. When someone gets possessed there, they believe it takes seven days before the demon will leave them. During this time they are not allowed to drink blood and they are only allowed to eat meat that they have slaughtered using their own teeth. I told the villagers to bring me this demon-possessed man. Anyone that has not experienced the power of Jesus Christ, I want you to know that He is alive. When I met this person I said in Jesus name, the Jesus that died and rose again, you are going to be delivered and baptised in Jesus name. In less than one hour this demon-possessed man was free, even though they thought it was meant to take seven days.

Anywhere God sends you you carry God with you and every power must be silenced because you are an ambassador of Jesus Christ. It is time that Islam is taken out of Asia and Africa and America. The materialistic nature of people in Western countries can be defeated by preaching this Gospel aggressively and powerfully.

Let me tell you something, if Nigeria over the past forty years can change from less than 10% of the population being Christian to over 65% by the power of the Gospel, prayer and fasting, so can Western countries. When Idia Ming was the president of Uganda, the population was 90% Islamic, it is now less than 10%. In Ghana I have seen two villages turn from Islam to Christianity. I have seen that a voodoo village can have a Christian church in it.

The Jesus of this book is real; He is alive. He is my Saviour, my King and my Redeemer. Since I gave my life to Him I can say to you today that the Lord is at work in these last days. I will tell you one quick story. In Africa somebody can sell you a piece of land even if it is not there land. So you can end up buying a piece of land from two to three owners. We bought a piece of and set up a tent on it. But another family saw that we had set the tent up and claimed that the land belonged to them. This family then took my church to court and according to the laws of the land there should be no noisemaking after 10pm. When they took us to court the judge told us that from now on two nights we could have all-night vigil. In my church every Friday night we pray from 9 until 4 in the morning. We don’t believe in short prayer.

The world tries to sort problems out by making pistols and missiles, but you can’t change Sadam Hussein with weapons. There are some territorial powers that you can defeat by long powers. Why do people not settle with pistols and knives but continue making bigger bombs? It’s because they know that pistols cannot handle the whole job. So in the spiritual world there are some problems that small prayers can handle. I come from a tradition of fasting and praying. Long prayers work.

When the community took us to court the judge gave us two days to have meetings all night and two days just during the day, which has not worked well the church. Along the line, they hired a lawyer so that they could uproot our church. We began to pray and God gave us the victory. We didn’t know that the judge of our case was in marriage problems because they could not have children. God will always use a situation to advance His cause. The devil will behave as if it is working against you, but at then end, after you have prayed, all things will work together for you good.

One night, after I had done an all-night vigil in a radio station, the judge called me and told me about her marriage problems. I asked her what I could do about it and she asked me to pray with her that her marriage situation would improve. That night we prayed on the phone for about 25 minutes and in exactly 10 months a baby girl was given to her.

I pray long because I see God working when I do. I pray that God will move in this church more than any other year. The Lord says that if His people will seek Him and will humble themselves and turn away from their wicked ways, then he will heal the land.

In conclusion, if God has called me in Africa and has used my life to establish growing village churches, why can God not use your life here? I pray that after you have heard my testimony you will rededicate your life unto God. I pray you will tell Him that you want to be His prisoner.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

The Pinnacle of God's Wisdom

By Pastor Peter Linnecar
The pinnacle of God's wisdom is the church. When Adam sinned the angels could not understand how God could find a solution. But as they witnessed Jesus coming to earth, dying on the cross and fulfilling the law in every part, they understood the manifold wisdom of God. Jesus came to earth to die for you and me and to break the bondage of sin in our lives. We are part of the church worldwide, and in our lives we have to be sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit so that we can reach out to others and bring glory to God.

I want to talk about the fact that each one of us is part of God's church worldwide. The church is the pinnacle of God's wisdom. In a sense we are part of 'the manifold wisdom of God'.
These are the verses that Jesus read out in Nazareth:
Isaiah 61:1-3 (show/hide)
The church is the most important evidence of the wisdom of God. What those verses depict is the outworking of God sending His son to this earth, to free us from the bondage of sin to be the person God wants you to be. Jesus came to preach, to heal, to deliver, to recover, to set free.
Isaiah 43:18-21 (show/hide)
The church, 'the manifold wisdom of God', is here to show forth His praise. Elsewhere in scripture it says how Christians are different because they show love for each other.
Ephesians 3:9 (show/hide)
A certain person might say that the wisdom of God is evident in the creation of God, the wonder of creation. The angels knew, when God created the earth, that it was good; God Himself said it was God. The angels what the outcome of Adam's sin would be.
Ephesians 3:9-10 (show/hide)
The angels suddenly saw the whole purpose, which had been hid to them from the beginning of time. Now they were looking into and seeing the wisdom of God unfolding as the church came into being through what Jesus Christ did for each individual on this earth.
Ephesians 3:11 (show/hide)
Paul knew that God, by His Holy Spirit, was bringing in a people for Himself. I am glad Ruth referred to the number of people that are coming here. We are part of the church worldwide; Christ died for the church worldwide. The church is greater than creation, it is the pinnacle of the wisdom of God. I love looking at the life of Christ, born in a stable and crucified on a cross; it is so strange when viewed through our eyes. But he suffered all this for the joy that was set before Him. That joy was the church, you and me.
The enemy tries to sow division because he knows that the church is the 'manifold wisdom of God'. We are at a point in time where it is important, as you mix with people in work or wherever, that you are sensitive to what God wants to do in reaching out. He died to set people free.
The angels witnessed how God had figured out a way where the law had been fulfilled and the justice of God had been satisfied. He was sinless, he had fulfilled the law. And now there is the opportunity for people like Josef to have a new life, for you to have a new life. God's plan of salvation, His plan of the church is the pinnacle of God's wisdom.
1 Peter 1:10-11 (show/hide)
They knew they were foretelling the coming of Christ to this earth.
1 Peter 1:12 (show/hide)
Another translation says: "which things the angels stoop down to look into". When Adam sinned the angels had no idea what the answer could be. And they witnessed Jesus' life being poured out on earth. Now, as they looked into the church day by day, they were amazed as they understood the wisdom of God.
Luke 15:7 (show/hide)
Every time a new person is added to the church, there is joy in heaven with the angels. That is what it is all about; that is why Jesus came.
Matthew 16:18 (show/hide)
There's no way that God's church is not going to be complete. There's no way that the work He has started in your life He is not going to finish. He is our loving, heavenly father and the manifold wisdom of God is around you in each person here. That is the wisdom of God: how He can turn someone around completely from being against Him, to being totally with Him.
Are you amazed at what God's done for you? Do you marvel at how He chose you out? He did that so that you could fulfil His purposes in your life, to bring glory to His name.