By Pastor Peter Linnecar
The pinnacle of God's wisdom is the church. When Adam sinned the angels could not understand how God could find a solution. But as they witnessed Jesus coming to earth, dying on the cross and fulfilling the law in every part, they understood the manifold wisdom of God. Jesus came to earth to die for you and me and to break the bondage of sin in our lives. We are part of the church worldwide, and in our lives we have to be sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit so that we can reach out to others and bring glory to God.
I want to talk about the fact that each one of us is part of God's church worldwide. The church is the pinnacle of God's wisdom. In a sense we are part of 'the manifold wisdom of God'.
These are the verses that Jesus read out in Nazareth:
Isaiah 61:1-3 (show/hide)
The church is the most important evidence of the wisdom of God. What those verses depict is the outworking of God sending His son to this earth, to free us from the bondage of sin to be the person God wants you to be. Jesus came to preach, to heal, to deliver, to recover, to set free.
Isaiah 43:18-21 (show/hide)
The church, 'the manifold wisdom of God', is here to show forth His praise. Elsewhere in scripture it says how Christians are different because they show love for each other.
Ephesians 3:9 (show/hide)
A certain person might say that the wisdom of God is evident in the creation of God, the wonder of creation. The angels knew, when God created the earth, that it was good; God Himself said it was God. The angels what the outcome of Adam's sin would be.
Ephesians 3:9-10 (show/hide)
The angels suddenly saw the whole purpose, which had been hid to them from the beginning of time. Now they were looking into and seeing the wisdom of God unfolding as the church came into being through what Jesus Christ did for each individual on this earth.
Ephesians 3:11 (show/hide)
Paul knew that God, by His Holy Spirit, was bringing in a people for Himself. I am glad Ruth referred to the number of people that are coming here. We are part of the church worldwide; Christ died for the church worldwide. The church is greater than creation, it is the pinnacle of the wisdom of God. I love looking at the life of Christ, born in a stable and crucified on a cross; it is so strange when viewed through our eyes. But he suffered all this for the joy that was set before Him. That joy was the church, you and me.
The enemy tries to sow division because he knows that the church is the 'manifold wisdom of God'. We are at a point in time where it is important, as you mix with people in work or wherever, that you are sensitive to what God wants to do in reaching out. He died to set people free.
The angels witnessed how God had figured out a way where the law had been fulfilled and the justice of God had been satisfied. He was sinless, he had fulfilled the law. And now there is the opportunity for people like Josef to have a new life, for you to have a new life. God's plan of salvation, His plan of the church is the pinnacle of God's wisdom.
1 Peter 1:10-11 (show/hide)
They knew they were foretelling the coming of Christ to this earth.
1 Peter 1:12 (show/hide)
Another translation says: "which things the angels stoop down to look into". When Adam sinned the angels had no idea what the answer could be. And they witnessed Jesus' life being poured out on earth. Now, as they looked into the church day by day, they were amazed as they understood the wisdom of God.
Luke 15:7 (show/hide)
Every time a new person is added to the church, there is joy in heaven with the angels. That is what it is all about; that is why Jesus came.
Matthew 16:18 (show/hide)
There's no way that God's church is not going to be complete. There's no way that the work He has started in your life He is not going to finish. He is our loving, heavenly father and the manifold wisdom of God is around you in each person here. That is the wisdom of God: how He can turn someone around completely from being against Him, to being totally with Him.
Are you amazed at what God's done for you? Do you marvel at how He chose you out? He did that so that you could fulfil His purposes in your life, to bring glory to His name.
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