Friday, 2 October 2009

What we need to do

By Pastor Peter Linnecar

When Jesus was on earth, it was important for him to relay to us what we needed to do.

Mark 16:14-18 (show/hide)

We need to aim to witness God by his Holy Spirit draw people we know into his kingdom. We should see people as God sees them, not with our prejudices. When Jesus said this to his disciples at the end of his life, it was real.

Matthew 28:18-20 (show/hide)

This was a command from Jesus. He knew the Holy Spirit was about to be given, and he knew that those disciples would have the power inside to witness to others of Jesus Christ. And that includes you and me. During the years of Jesus' preaching, there were those who couldn't stomach what was going on.

Matthew 12:38 (show/hide)

They weren't sincere, but this was the question they threw out.

Matthew 12:39-50 (show/hide)

For you and I to be linked as brothers in Christ, the key part is to do the will of the father in our lives. God in his mercy wants you to hear this.

Here Jesus referred to the sign of Jonah. As I have looked at the book of Jonah it is as though it should be in the New Testament. It is all about forgiveness and grace. People look at things in a way that doesn't bring glory to Jesus Christ. There are people who insist on condemning others to a Christless eternity because they don't have forgiveness to those people, and don't think they could ever become a Christian. Jonah couldn't stomach it that God was going to forgive the people of Nineveh.

Jesus was very aware of who Jonah was. His birthplace was within two miles of Nazareth, and all that region knew about Jonah. Nineveh was the pits; it was too evil for God to forgive, so it was thought.

A greater than Jonah is here. Are you going to change? Is it going to be different for you?

Sometimes we don't understand what is happening. Things might be going wrong in our lives, but what God is doing, is fulfilling his purposes in his time, in his way, for his glory. That applies to you in your life.

Luke 11:29-32 (show/hide)

Jesus Christ lives inside you, and he's all-powerful, all-knowing. He has conquered death. He is alive. As we go forward as a church, I guarantee to you that you will witness the power of God keeping you. Our dependence is totally on him. salvation is of the Lord. I know that what's happening at the moment in your life is happening because God is revealing more of himself to you. There will come a time soon – it might even be happening tonight – when you will know that God is sorting everything out for good.

2 Kings 14:23-27 (show/hide)

Here is a man who knew the word of the Lord. At some point in his life, God speaks to him again.

Jonah 1:1-3 (show/hide)

Who is God speaking to you about tonight? It is God who initiates everything to his glory.

You can't get more opposite than Nineveh to Tarshish, 1,000 miles away. He was not going to do it. Nineveh was the enemy, they had been tormenting Israel.

When God speaks and you know that he's a true and faithful witness, we need to obey. When we think about other people who are in desperate need of a saviour, and who are in need to come to darkness into his glorious light, what we must not do is write off anyone. What we must not do is harbour in our hearts something that tells them they deserve what they get. That isn't God's heart. God's way is one where he will fulfil his purposes of grace, love and truth. He's the God of judgment, but there was a window of opportunity that came to the people of Nineveh that God wanted Jonah to deliver.

Psalm 23:6 (show/hide)

It's not time to flee from the presence of the Lord. It's not time for us to get out of focus. The time now is for us to be more focussed than we have ever been before on the Lord.

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