Through the years you get familiar with God and his word and there seems to be one defining portion of scripture that in the midst of trials and test, you find yourself wanting something short and snappy and fits all circumstances.
Colossians 1:19-22 (show/hide)
20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled
22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:
Tonight I stand in a position of grace bacause God loves me.
Paul the apostle changed his whole view about everything after he met Jesus Christ on the Damascus road. He was a man who was against God and the church. He went into people's houses and sent people to prison. He was on his way to persecute Christians. He was actively against what God is doing. But when he was n the road, he said he saw a light brighter than the noon day sun. He heard a voice saying "Saul, why do you persecute me" and he heard these words "I am Jesus, whom you persecute". This was one who had actively worked against God. It does not take him 6 hours or 6 days or 6 minutes. He instantly said "what will you have me do, Lord?" Instantly, everything was changed.
I believe that everyone of us at this moment, we need a touch from God that will instantly begin to change our life, our sense of direction, everything about us. I wake up early in the morning and I walk through the house and I start saying "God what would you have me do today?" It's like I'm asking for my instructions. I would have a spiritual GPS, "What am I going to do today".
I'm sitting on a plane and I say, "What will be my assignment today?" I get people saved sitting next to me.
You have an assignment every day you wake up. It's time for you to say "God, I'm read for duty."
Philippians 3:7-14 (show/hide)
Simply stated, Paul is saying "All of the things that I treasured before I met Christ, became absolutely like nothing. I counted them loss in order to have Christ in my life." We have many things that we count as valuable and we just stand on something that we think is right. "That's our right, that's our position". Paul had everything in the natural going for him but in one moment in time he was instantly willing to give that all alone. I was not only willing to call them loss but also for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Not just a casual knowing of Christ Jesus.
Paul said I pushed everything away for the excellency of the knowledge; not just a casual understanding. Whatever it takes he takes my wealth, my human knowledge my reputation. Whatever it takes, I count it all as loss, if I can only have Christ in my life. He is saying to them but also to us, "What I really want in my life more than anything else, is the righteousness of God." If you have God's righteousness in your life, you are the luckiest person in all the ages.
My life has been a marvellous life, but the greatest thing in the world is that I have one Christ in my life. In my life, the most important thing, is I have found Christ. I found Christ just by believing him and trusting him.
It was so real to me when I met God. Even in my teenage years and when I put on my uniform for my country and went out to Texas, God was with me then. I witnessed to people when I was there, I helped people. I sang in the middle of the storm. I walked with God every step of the way. Every step of the way, everywhere I have gone, God has been in my life.
Paul wanted to know everything about God.
Philippians 3:10-13 (show/hide)
This one thing I do... I don't have to jump through any religious hoops... forgetting... and that's hard to do. Your only hope is in the ability to forget. It isn't easy to forget. WE have to forget the past and forget your mistakes, failures and sins and the stuff that nobody else knows about you, except God. But the most important thing that you and I have to forget is our bitterness. We have to forget the bitterness. And the only way in the world to get over bitterness is to tell God that we're willing to become like waste; we're willing to become absolutely nothing except what god wants us to be. But God I am willing to lay down the bitterness in my life.
When I was a young man, I belonged to a religious organisation which was the only one that I had ever known. I grew up with these people. I grew up knowing them like I know a lot of you but better. I grew up with them as children, and they suddenly began to say things about me which were only not true, but they were highly inflammatory.
If you want to change things in your life, it starts with you confessing that you're not doing everything right and you're not acting everything right. And the first thing you say is "God, forgive me. And I confess that I've acted in a way that is against you."
You can't pick out the ones that will be destroyed by bitterness. What do you do? You do what I did long ago. First of all you say "God I have been bitter. Forgive me." The very moment that I stopped saying those hateful things about those who had said horrible things about me, it was as if God Almighty blew a horn and told everyone, "Charles Green has repented. Stop talking about him." It was if there was a sign put in the heavens. From that moment until this, I have never heard of other words that they said about me.
You don't have to go back and act like you did before, but you do have to say God I'm not going to be bitter anymore. You won't ever be what you used to be, but whatever God wants you to be in the future, you will be. We can take our past and give it to Him. Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to those things which are before.
When we reach forth, we must not do it casually. Paul said I am pressing towards the calling. When we reach out, let there be a push towards the future. The objective that God has for us is that prize, far more than that peace prize that Obama got.
Did you know that we have a higher calling?
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