By Pastor Peter Linnecar
The parable of the wise and foolish virgins reminds us of the need to be watchful, and to press ahead with God.
Zechariah prophesied after the exile. He had eight visions, and here we have the fifth one.
Zechariah 4:1-6 (show/hide)
Zerubbabel rebuilt the Temple when they returned from exile. Joseph and Mary separately came from the sons of Zerubbabel.
In the world's eyes, might and power equals authority. In God's kingdom, the work of His spirit is vital.
I identified with the people who spoke of the life and death situation faced in Nigeria. There's an urgency, a vitality about being a Christian here this morning for you and me.
In the Old Testament, where oil is referred to, it speaks of the work of the Holy Spirit.
Song of Solomon 1:3 (show/hide)
In 2 Kings, when Elisha came to the widow, she ended up having a pot of oil, and it was as she kept pouring that oil out that it kept flowing. The moment they got to the end of the vessels, it stopped.
There is something about what God is saying to us. There is a requirement – not a duty, but a requirement out of the love of God which He has given to us, for us to share that with other people, to be a channel through which God by His Holy Spirit can reach other people. There's something about that principle of being alert and awake so we're ready whenever God wants to speak through us.
Ephesians 5:14-18 (show/hide)
The parable we are going to look at revolves around us being prepared so that God has free reign over our lives. It's the enemy of our souls who wants us to focus on something which will derail the main purpose of us being here.
Matthew 25:1 (show/hide)
It was a Jewish custom – often weddings were held in the evening. There were ten attendants whose role was to go out and meet the bridegroom and bring him in.
Matthew 25:2-4 (show/hide)
Two different types of people. The common denominator is that each had a lamp. You couldn't distinguish between them, except that five had a reserve of oil. They made a point of gathering that store.
Matthew 25:5-6 (show/hide)
They were all sleeping. The bridegroom was later than expected.
Matthew 25:7-9 (show/hide)
This wasn't selfish. They knew that the bridegroom was on his way and that they had a separate container of oil for just such a time. They told the foolish to go and buy some, but the foolish wanted to take from the wise. This tells us that you can't rely on another person's faith. When we reach heaven, and if a question is asked of us, I won't be asked about Carolyn's faith, about the faith of someone else, but about who I am before God and what He has done in my life by His Holy Spirit. Each one of you is responsible for our own walk with God, and He loves you.
Some people have been skirting around the idea of a relationship with God. But we need to remain watchful of our walk with God. We need to get involved with God so that He has free reign. I wonder who God is speaking to right now who has skirted around this. God has been talking to you. He keeps getting inside you and pointing things out – your life needs to be right before God.
Matthew 25:10 (show/hide)
"But I thought I'd postpone becoming a Christian, or getting 100% for God until that point. I have to do this or that first." But the door was shut. You don't have more and more time for you to be on fire for God and to have your sin dealt with at Calvary.
Matthew 25:11 (show/hide)
"You know who it is, that I've been to church, that I was going to sort things out."
Matthew 25:12 (show/hide)
It's like when Jesus said to Philip "Have I been so long time with you, yet thou hast not known me?" It's as if the Lord is saying to you this morning, "Let's say today was your last day on this earth. Let's share together the times when I have faithfully come to you and talk to you and convict you so that you would turn from the way you had been living, because you know it has been wrong. There was that time, that time, that time. And each time, you said, 'Not now – I need to do this or that first.'"
Matthew 25:13 (show/hide)
Talking about the second coming.
Luke 12:35-37 (show/hide)
That's the heart of God. The father was open to the prodigal and the elder son, both. He urged them to come in and rejoice.
Here's Peter's message :-
2 Peter 3:11-14 (show/hide)
If we had a peace-ometer, are you at peace this morning? Or has what I've said got hold of you, and you know you've been pushing Him away?
How do you have that reserve of oil? I have the lamp, I'm sharing my faith with others, but what do I have to do to have that reserve of oil? This parable means it is vitally important that we keep that line of communication open with the living God. He's inside me, but I can spend my time ignoring the experience of God in your life, or I can spend your time enriching and building it.
How often are we reading the Bible on our own? How often do we spend time in fellowship, building each other up?
That reserve of oil is building up our store of holy faith. Are we programming ourselves into the Word, into each other? Are we giving and giving, and as we give, it is never ending. Praying, professing our faith, not being asleep?
This parable applies to us all. It doesn't matter what situation we're in. There are some who are desperate because they are out of work. I know specifically for you that God has not forgotten now.
What does it mean to be watchful, alert, awake? To live a life of faith is simply being a Christian. I know what God has planned for us to the end of this year particularly, specifically it will be for us to be open before God that He by His Holy Spirit will work through us as we share our faith with others, and others will come.
God is sorting things out I'm not dismissive of anyone here or who used to be here. What I am most specific about, though, is that we will lift up the name of Christ full time, and as we do that, He will come alongside each one of us and speak to each one of us, just as He is speaking specifically to some this morning. Don't defer. That's not God's heart for you. He has been faithful. And once again He is there right in front of you. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour." It's His love which is drawing you and is pointing out things in you."
That attitude of being watchful doesn't involve taking time out. It doesn't step back. It looks God fully in the face and say, "I thank you for what you have done in my life, for how you took my sin into yourself at Calvary. You rose from the dead and conquered sin and the power of sin has gone from my life. And going forward I want to recognise each day that work of grace in my life. And each day I want to make the choice to go your way."