At this point in time God is showing us that He wants to work through us to reach others who do not know about the Gospel. We have to be sensitive to what He is revealing to us is His will for our lives. We are part of His church worldwide, and if we would only tell others what we know about Jesus Christ, their lives would be transformed.
It is timely that we consider now reaching out and addressing our responsibilities before God in reaching the needs of people with the Gospel. On Friday I mentioned that Jesus said ‘I will build my church’. It’s His church. Jesus Christ Himself is building His church in His way in His time. The events of last year happened because Jesus is building His church. The Apostles chose seven people to hand out food to the people. One of these seven was Peter who was martyred when He spoke out with the Gospel. To all of us, of any age group, what is it that God wants us to do in our lives? God forbid that we are so much in the status quo that we’re not sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants to point out to each one of us. God is opening our hearts to know what He wants us to be involved in.
Acts 8:4-9
Philip was called to hand out the food for the widows, but soon we find he actually was working miracles. God was working through Him. In Samaria there were people who saw and came to understand the reality of Jesus Christ.
Acts 8:26-29
Here was a man who was keeper of the treasure. I want to point out from this story that Philip first and foremost was sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wanted him to do. The key point at the beginning of verse 7 is that he arose and obeyed God. When Richard spoke earlier, for some of you something clicked. You need to be open to what God is calling you to do.
Acts 8:29-32
Philip was specifically told to get alongside this man. In your first week of this new year, and the weeks following, who is it that God by his Holy Spirit is going to cause you to get alongside? You say that you’re not a preacher; that’s not true. Today is a day when God is telling to you to be open to whosoever God is bringing into your path. Be open to communicating the life of Christ to others. God by his Holy Spirit will work through you. It might be something you say or do to someone, or even the way you react in a situation. They will notice that there is something different.
Isaiah 53:1-8
This is what the eunuch was reading. He was reading, but He didn’t know who the scripture was talking about. There are some people aching to have an answer for their life, that you brush shoulders with. There are some people who would be transformed if they only knew what you know about Jesus Christ. Today is all about you and me being sensitive to who God is going to bring across our paths in the coming weeks.
Acts 8:32-36
Similar phraseology to when Jesus drew beside the two on the road to Damascus. Philip probably couldn’t believe that this man didn’t know who the scripture was talking about. So, he immediately began to unfold the life of Jesus. The timing of God is specific. You are the link in the chain of someone’s life. Are you going to remain silent during this year? No. You won’t because God is opening your eyes this morning, telling you that you must no longer keep quiet. God is showing you that now is the time. We have the Old and New Testament. How much are you reading? Is the Bible gathering dust during the week until you grab it on a Sunday morning? We need to get serious about this. The good news is that by His Holy Spirit God wants to work through you.
Acts 8:36-41
Acts 21:8-10
Jesus said ‘I will build my church’. Part of that, whether its through the work that Richard and Anne are doing, whether its through you with those you come into contact with at work, Jesus said that He is building His church. The exciting thing is that God wants to work through you. We need to be open to what he wants to communicate through us. I will build my church. We are part of His church worldwide. ‘I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.’
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