Matthew 16:13-20
God will build his church. Trinity Church isn’t my church or your church, it belongs to Jesus Christ, it is part of the church worldwide. Jesus said, ‘I will build my church’. So despite anything that happens, irrespective of circumstance, God will build his church.
During this coming year, we will prove and witness Jesus building his church. In the days of the Early Church things happened and it appeared that things were going wrong.
Acts 6:1-4
The number of disciples was multiplying, and there was a lot of work to be done. They had to organise things so that there were others who they could appoint with responsibilities.
Acts 6:5-8
There was a dispute with Stephen, and the religious people were dismayed at his actions.
Acts 6:9-10
There was something special about Stephen, because he was open to whatever God wanted him to do and he wanted to see God’s name lifted up.
Acts 6:11-14
It was complete fabrication. Stephen knew that he had done nothing wrong. All he had done, was what God had asked him to do.
Acts 6:15
Acts 7:1-8
Stephen was emboldened in this council. He was speaking the truth, and the truth cuts. No one can deny the truth. They can make out they deny it, but the truth is the truth.
Whatever abilities and gifts God has given you, and whatever measure of faith you have, God wants to work through you, as you take your part in the church, and then as we together reach out to those who need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, 'I will build my church'. There are people who will come here who don’t yet know Jesus Christ. There are people who you will speak to to bring here so that they might hear. As this year progresses, so we will see a translation of looking inward to looking outward.
Acts 7:37-38
He refers to the church in the wilderness. He’s linking what was happening right then to history.
Acts 7:38-39
Acts 7:47-50
Where does He dwell? In you and in me. As I take my part in the church, so it is that God works through his people. He doesn’t dwell in a temple made with hands.
Acts 7:50-53
Acts 7:54-61
That was an incredible shock to the people of the early church. They knew Stephen knew his Lord and Saviour. They knew his faith. He had been chosen. He was one of the seven chosen to serve. He knew Jesus and saw Jesus just before he died, but it shocked them. Here they were getting things organised, and then one of them was killed.
Acts 7:58
In the darkest night, in the darkest moment, God’s light will shine. Everything seemed to be going wrong. Stephen had gone. And yet, the impact on Saul would have been incredible. A few chapters on we witness the conversion of Saul. He was the prime mover against the Christians. As he was on the way to Damascus, Jesus spoke to him.
Ephesians 2:19-21
That is one of the best definitions or expressions of the church. When anyone walks into a church, they witness people. It’s not the building, it’s the people. We have love one for another. We’ve been redeemed to bring glory to Him.
The time has come for each of us to take our part, in whatever direction that is. By God’s Holy Spirit, he will outwork his purposes through each one of us. As he does so, he will draw other people to himself, and it’s wonderful.
When they saw that dark day when Stephen died, in the working of God, Saul became Paul, he became a Christian, and the church expanded, more than they could have ever thought about. Then the Gospel went from the Jews to the Gentiles, to the whole world.
You are going to be free to take your part in what he wants you to do in his church. That’s something to embrace, not to be afraid of. Be open to what he wants you to do in this time.
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