Friday, 31 October 2008

Trust in God

Jesus Christ is the centre of our worship and our being. When we come to church, we join together in lifting up his name. We will extol him. There is nothing deeper. Jesus Christ will be lifted up in our midst, and in doing that, we will be drawn unto him.

Philippians 2:9

Psalm 37:1-2

Don’t be envious against the workers of iniquity.

Psalm 37:3

Your trust in your life is in God. As we go forward together, our trust is completely in him. He gave us our faith, and he will guard it and develop it.

Psalm 37:4

He fashions the desires of your heart, and your desires will become one with him as you live your Christian life.

Psalm 37:5-6

You haven’t gone wrong by placing God first in your life. You’ve done the right thing in trusting him. He loves you. He is the origin of the faith that you have, and he will perfect that faith until such time as you see him.

Psalm 37:7-8

Trust in God. No matter what we see going on around us, our trust is in Him. He is the author and the finisher of our faith.

Psalm 37:9-15

It doesn’t matter what’s happening in your life, trust in him. God is revealing more and more of himself to you. He is the one who is leading you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing or how they are prospering. We’re trusting in God. It doesn’t matter what circumstances seem to suggest, or what people are saying about you.

Psalm 37:16-19

God’s supernatural ways automatically make provision for his children, and you are one of his children.

Psalm 37:20-22

Don’t borrow money from people and not pay it back

Psalm 37:23-28

God won’t let you down. My source and my base is in heaven, not in earth. My future and my present is in him. It doesn’t matter what happens. He will never allow the righteous to be forsaken.

Psalm 37:29-37

Who’s the perfect man? Jesus. In your life and my life, we will serve the Lord. As for me, it’s Jesus first. He is my saviour. He is my everything: my provider, my present and my future.

Psalm 37:38-40

Sunday, 26 October 2008

God Has Not Forgotten You

I want to encourage you: what God does through pressure is to make us realise who we are trusting – is it Him or not? Do we trust a man or the church, rather than Him? “My God has supplied, is supplying and will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

We read the background to Elijah’s appearance in Israel in 1 Kings 16:29-33. It was bad news. Ahab, the king at the time, had rejected the true God and taken Baal, a foreign god. Things were looking bleak.

1 Kings 16:29-33

The pressure in your life has caused you to see things bleakly if you’ve let your heart get to a point where you cannot see a way forward. I have a word for you this morning: God is sending the solution for you, and it’s on its way. There is no way He’s forgotten you or has somehow slipped up and not been on time to provide the solution. Who do we trust? In what is our faith?

Ahab had chosen how he wanted to rule but then Elijah, a true servant of God, turned up. God provided for Elijah in a miraculous way. God’s ways of provision do not go along the same lines of thinking as ours. He delights in surprising us with how He makes provision. You’ve been trying to figure things out so much that your faith is more in what you’re trying to work out, than in Him.

1 Kings 17:1

It was a word from God that there will be famine and drought, and it will continue for several years. When Elijah said that, he didn’t know how God would provide for him during the drought. But the priority of his life was to deliver what God had for him to say to Ahab. If you’ve been trying to get priorities right in your own life and it’s been as though the enemy has been saying, “It’s a waste of time. Look at what’s happened,” we’re going to turn that round.

Matthew 6:24-29

There’s a principle here. I need to have the priorities right and put God first: I genuinely want to do and say what pleases Him, I want to outwork what He wants for my life. I’m not paying an insurance policy to guarantee that God blesses me.

1 Kings 17:2-5

When Elijah delivered the words to Ahab, and walked out of Ahab’s presence, he was facing the same famine and drought. He had no idea how God would provide for him. Note the verb in what God said, “I have commanded the ravens ...” God tells him to stay by a brook where there would be water, and says he has commanded the ravens to feed him.

When I look at the bird table in our garden, I know we feed the birds. Here it was the complete opposite. Elijah was to be in the middle of nowhere, and God had commanded the ravens to feed him. When God brings His solution for your need, it will be the opposite of normal thinking.

God is saying, “Trust me. Take no thought for your life. Get your priorities in order – look unto me, communicate with me, read my word, hear as I speak through the preaching – and I will provide the solution.”

1 Kings 17:7

Elijah had been sent to the brook and it had provided water. The ravens had fed him, and now at the very place he was told to go to, the water ceased. What would be your reaction? What’s your reaction with what’s happened in your life? Has your heart turned to bitterness, where you can’t see how this can go on any longer?

Elijah now witnessed God speaking to him again, with the next solution. There is no way that what has happened in your life has caught God unawares. God is in control.

1 Kings 17:8-14

Elijah came across a woman who was preparing her final meal. She only had enough meal for her and her son one last time and Elijah asked her for food. It was God’s plan for providing for Elijah. Elijah told her to make a meal for all three of them, as God had told him to. Humanly speaking it was impossible.

God will bring people across your path to provide a solution you haven’t thought of.

1 Kings 17:13-15

The widow was going to collect the sticks for the last meal and then they would die. Elijah turns up at exactly the right time. And he tells her to make two meals, and then the word came to say that the food would be maintained until the rain came. There is nothing finite about God. His provision is limitless. He doesn’t have to reset or change debt programmes. He is the provider, the one who loves you and is communicating to you this morning that the barrel of meal will not fail. He is your loving heavenly Father.

1 Kings 17:17-18

She didn’t anticipate this. It was a further pressure even in the miraculous provision of the meal. Her son died.

1 Kings 17:19-24

God provided the answer again. She knew the word God spoke was truth. God wants to convey to you the truth, Jesus – “I am the way, the truth, the life.”

James 5:16-18

When you pray, God hears you. Three and a half years Elijah was with the ravens and the widow. He was just an ordinary fellow, so James says, but look what happened when he prayed. Pray. Be open before your loving heavenly Father. “I’ve prayed,” you say. Right. When did you pray, and what about? The answer is in Him, and that answer is coming.

Matthew 6:30-34

If you don’t have a job at the moment, keep knocking on the doors and the job will come because God has already provided the answer. He will provide it. If you get made redundant, you were made redundant because God has something better. God is our provider and he is our loving heavenly father.

Friday, 24 October 2008

My God Shall Supply all Your Need

If you look at any headlines currently the collective fear factor is colossal. If you look at the way things are going with the economy, if you see the attempts to analyse what no one has encountered before, it is extremely reassuring to read this verse. There is no limit to God’s source. He is the ultimate source of supplying all your need. It’s according to His riches in glory. It’s a heavenly source, an eternal source. More than ever before, our focus needs to be on Him. This credit crunch is coming ever closer to home and there are some already looking for new jobs. If you take the headlines onboard and allow it to take hold in your heart, fear will come to you. You’ll end up paralysed in your thinking. If your focus is instead on this verse, upon Him, then your thinking will be kept in the right way.

Philippians 4:19

I want to look at a man who had a need and came to Jesus. Interestingly, the first miracle Jesus did was to turn the water into wine at Cana in Galilee. And now we’re back there again.

John 4:46-50

This man’s son was dying. He had heard about Jesus and the miracle in Cana. Jesus’ word to the nobleman was, “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” There was no proof that his son had been healed. But when Jesus spoke that word life came, and even though the man hadn’t seen it, he believed it. It was as if all he needed from Jesus was something to confirm that He was involved with his problem.

From the next few verses we know the man was away from home overnight. So it was quite some time before he returned home to where his son was. And that “quite some time” might be the situation you’re in. You know God has spoken and will provide, but it’s been quite some time that you’ve been hanging in there. You can rely on the fact that God has spoken. No way will your prayer be unheard.

John 4:51-52

The nobleman stood there and thought back ... “When did Jesus say those words?”

John 4:53-54

Keep track of what you’re saying to God. As you keep track, you’ll look back and know when God provides that solution, when He made something happen. When the media would say it can’t happen, you’ll be able to look back like this man.

I wonder what the nobleman was thinking about overnight. He was relying on this word. I want to confirm to you that God’s solution to your seemingly impossible situation is on its way. And you’ll see over the coming weeks how, in the midst of economic turmoil, God will provide the solution for you. When it seems impossible that you’ll find a job, that things will sort out for the children, know that your God shall supply all your need.

What God wants to do is to prove to you who He is. My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. For this nobleman, distance and time didn’t matter. The fact is that the answer was given: “Your son lives.” At that point, he lived.

Your prayers have already been answered, and there is a solution on its way for you, with no doubt. The worse it gets in the world, the more you will see how your solution could only come from God. You’ll know it’s of Him. He loves you. The darker the room, the more poignant the light. For the nobleman things were dark. But He got to Jesus, and Jesus’ words supplied all he needed.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

What it Means to be a Christian (Part 3 of 3) - The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit’s role is to convict the world of sin. It is God’s Holy Spirit that gets hold of you and makes you realises that you need to do something. The Holy Spirit points to Jesus Christ and what Jesus Christ did for you and me.

The Bible tells the story of when a Pharisee called Nicodemus came to talk to him.

John 3:1-6

When you come into this world, you are born of the flesh. During his encounter with Jesus, Nicodemus was going to realise that there is a difference between you’re first birth and being born again by the Holy Spirit.

John 3:7-13
Luke 1:35
John 3:14

Jesus Christ had to come down from heaven to this world. He didn’t come to condemn the world. The world was going to be saved through Him.

Romans 6:6
John 3:18-21
Romans 8:1-2

Before you become a Christian, you serve sin. If you look at the ten commandments and compare them to how you think, you know that you don’t keep them. You can’t keep them because you are under the law of sin and death. Only Jesus fulfilled the law and kept all the ten commandments.

Romans 8:3

This verse says that God’s solution means that He can sever, at the root, the power of sin in your life. As a Christian you’re set free from that default that curses you from birth, causing you to go wrong. There is no default causing you to go wrong anymore. The power of it has been broken because Jesus Christ took that sin into himself. The Holy Spirit brings faith into your heart through reading this word.

Romans 8:5-6

There’s a massive difference between death and life. That difference is not a con: that somehow you just convince yourself that this will work out. We exercise faith to believe that what Jesus did on the cross we need in order to be clean on the inside and to have the opportunity to go right.

Romans 8:7-9

There’s an ‘if’ there, so there must be a sense in which you can ask God to come and live in you. If the spirit of Christ is not inside you, you automatically default the wrong way. The Spirit of Christ and what He did on the cross makes it possible for me to live right. He gives me the power to live right.

Romans 8:10-11

The Spirit is the one who lives in you. He brings Christ himself into a human being. It becomes personal to you. You exercise your trust in what God did for you on the cross, through Jesus Christ. The divine nature then becomes part of you by the Holy Spirit. You’ve given up your life and through the Spirit, Jesus Christ takes up residence. Without the Spirit of Christ in you there is eternal damnation, but with Him there is eternal life. Don’t let the enemy of your souls tell you that you have tried this before but it never worked. By His Holy Spirit, God is making this clear to you.

Romans 8:12-15

From your first birth you have a spirit of bondage. Your sin nature dominates, you cannot be set free. You were bound to death and damnation. When the Spirit of Christ comes inside, it’s as if you have been adopted into the family of Christ. Jesus becomes your heavenly father.

Romans 8:16-17

You need to receive the Spirit of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you are exercising your faith and receiving the spirit whereby you can cry, “Father, I want to please you, and I want to go forward with you inside me.” You then have the power to live right. You are asking God to come inside and to sort out the sin nature, and to live in you. You are asking Jesus to come inside.

Is it a problem if you know you’re a Christian but you can’t point to a specific time? Does that mean you’re not going to go to heaven? No. Faith does come by the words that are preached. It’s strange that it is just words, but yet those words by God’s Spirit get inside you. Why? Because God loves you. He doesn’t want you to be wrong. He doesn’t want you to be destroyed through sin. God so loved the world that He sent Jesus so that we could be free from sin.

When it came to Calvary the hosts of hell thought they’d cracked it. They knew what was going on and who Jesus was. They knew that if they could get rid of Jesus they could solve the problem of God. When Jesus died on the cross He took into Himself everything to do with sin.

In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus knew what was coming. That is why the Garden of Gethsemane is so poignant. Jesus was going to taste something He’d never had before. He’d always lived what was right and He knew what was coming was that sacrifice of Himself so that you’re secret things, you’re habits could be broken. He was going to take the consequences of sin: death, into Himself. Three days later the hosts of hell witnessed His resurrection. Death couldn’t hold Him. He conquered death. So He now lives seated on the right hand of the Father. By His spirit He now convinces you of the truth and can live inside you. He loves you and He wants you to partake of the solution He provided.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

What it Means to be a Christian (Part 2 of 3) - Jesus Dies For Me

What it means to be a Christian (Part 2 of 3)

There is a problem in the world as a result of Adam and Eve going wrong. When God created the heavens and the earth, everything was perfect. When God put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, the only rule was that they could not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was perfectly clear. They had the choice to obey or disobey, and unfortunately they disobeyed. As a result of that, you and I have a problem when we are born into this world.

If you are honest, about the way you think, you know that you try to live a good life, but there’s something inside you which makes you automatically go wrong. It is sin. You vow to do this or that in a particular way, but it always goes wrong. From birth you have sin in you; that’s why we don’t have to teach a child to go wrong, they automatically know how to go wrong. You can put a veneer on it but underneath the sin problem remains.

This didn’t catch God out. God is holy and He can’t stand sin. God is also a God of love; it was always in His heart to rememdy the situation. He sorted out a way so that we can go back to that position where we don’t have that default option that takes us away from Him. God has provided a way to make us clean on the inside.

The only way He could do it was to have someone who had no sin nature, to take away our sin nature. Jesus was that person. It is historically proven that he lived on this earth. The time frame of the whole world revolves around His life.

1 John 3:5

It sounds incredible. For the thirty-three years that Jesus Christ was alive on this earth he didn’t sin; He lived a perfect life. He was born from heaven so He didn’t have a sin nature. Jesus was the son of man, and God. He was the bridge between heaven and earth. He had the choice to sin, but He didn’t. Unlike Adam, who chose wrong, Jesus always chose right. He endured all the temptations that we have but never succumbed. He was someone, who God could lay the sins of our lives upon.

The consequence of sin has always been death. In the Old Testament a lamb had to be killed for the sins of the people. The solution then was the death of an animal. Yet, there were people in the Old Testament that foretold that a man would come who would break the power of sin once and for all. They prophesied that a time would come when we would be able to place our trust in a man who gave His life for us. By rights, God could kill us off eternally. But He loved the world so much, that He gave His only son, who voluntered to take the sin of the whole world into Himself when he died on the cross.

There are five main things that Jesus did when he died on the cross:

1) He was our Redeemer.

1 Peter 1:18

He died to redeem us from the penalty and consequence of sin. He gave His life to save us from death. He broke the power of that default option in our life. We can be clean because we can have Him inside instead.

2) He brought us near to God.

Ephesians 2:13

3) He brought peace inside and reconciled us to God.

Colossians 1:20

Reconciliation is to bring together. Before Jesus came there was an automatic separation between God and man, we were sinners. Jesus Christ reconciled us to God. He made peace through reconcilation.

4) He justified us.

Romans 5:9

It is just as if I never sinned.

5) He cleaned us up on the inside.

1 John 1:7

Guilt destroys an individual. There’s an enemy of mankind that always points to things that you’ve done wrong in your life but the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. When you’re sin nature changes, it is as if you start again in life. Elsewhere in the Bible, it says you’re born all over again.

If you accept this message about Jesus you can exercise your faith and ask Jesus Christ to change you on the inside. Your life from the first birth just can’t get it right; you try but you don’t get it right. Jesus will give you His life instead which is eternal - not death, not destruction, not filth, not decay. It is life which is clean and wholesome, the way you really want to go.

Philippians 2:5-11

At the end of your life when Jesus meets you face to face, what are you going to say to Him? Are you going to say, “I know what you’ve done in my life because of what you did for me on the cross at Calvary when you gave your life for me. I know what that means because you came within me and cleaned me. I know I didn’t deserve it.” Everyone must be clear of their standing before God. What does Jesus Christ mean to you?

Friday, 17 October 2008

What it Means to be a Christian (Part 1 of 3) - God The Father, Adam and Eve

What it means to be a Christian (Part 1 of 3)

God is three persons in one – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He created the world.

Genesis 1:1

John 1:1

When God made the world he made it good. There were no blemishes but something changed when he made the first two human beings, Adam and Eve. God clearly gave them an instruction. They could eat of any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If they ate of that tree they would die.

Genesis 2:15

Adam and Eve were given a choice: to obey what God said, or not. They lived in a perfect world but they chose to disobey God and to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As soon as they had eaten the forbidden fruit they knew that they had done something wrong. Their eyes were opened and they felt guilty. All the problems in this world stem back to this act of disobedience.

Genesis 3:6

We are all now born with a nature that can’t help but disobey God. It is a sin nature. You don’t have to teach a child to go wrong, they automatically do it. But ever since Adam and Eve first disobeyed God, God had been organising a solution to the problem of our sin nature. Unless we are set free from sin we can’t escape it. We always feel guilty for what we do wrong.

God is omnipotent – all powerful, and he is omnipresent – everywhere. He even named and numbered the stars. Even though he created and controls the whole world he is still very concerned about every single person.

Acts 17:24

Psalm 139:7

Psalm 147:4

1 Timothy 1:17

God is holy and nothing imperfect can be in his prescence. That is why there needs to be a solution to our sin. If God does not change our sin nature when we die we will go to hell and be separated from Him forever. Sin makes us unclean on the inside. Sin blocks our relationship with God. We try to amend our ways; we try and get it right but inside our sin nature takes our thoughts the wrong way.

God intended that that power of sin would be removed. God’s solution was for his Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross taking into himself your sin and my sin. When his life was broken, the power of sin in us was broken. He took it out of you into himself. This gives us new life. Life can be like it was way back in the Garden of Eden where you think clean and where you can live a life that is pleasing to God. That power that was taking you the wrong way no longer has a hold on you and you have the opportunity day by day to live right. It’s a totally different existence from when you were born.

Continued on 18/10/08

Sunday, 12 October 2008

What God Wants for You

By Pastor Peter Linnecar

We have to be honest about where we are on the inside, and then decide whether we are going to live for God or for ourselves. What I am going to do is preach from the Bible, but how am I going to approach the Word of God? If I approach it in the wrong way, it’s not helpful. If I approach it as the Word of God and open my heart, which means I don’t come with a preconceived idea of "Here we go again," or "God never speaks to me." But if I come and believe it is the Word of God, I’m coming to something which is life transforming, and by His Holy Spirit He can get inside you to help you.

We’re going to look at something direct this morning. I want you to suspend the image you portray to other people. I want you to treat this as if I’m saying words by God’s Holy Spirit direct to you. It isn’t that you have to be someone else, you can be you. Forget everyone else. We’re going to look at something very relevant to you and to me.

On Friday I spoke of the power of words. With words backed up by a heart that’s wrong, you might as well be a hitting someone. You can batter an individual with what you say. We looked at how the tongue is a fire. The tongue can only be tamed by a change on the inside, when God gets hold of an individual. Otherwise, as we’ll now see, there’s something as far as the east from the west: the difference between a heart that’s right and a heart that’s wrong. By the end of this sermon, we will see verses which outline the difference between what is right and what is wrong. This talk is set in the context that God wants to do what is right for you. He is not against you. God is going to show to you the way forward for your good.

James 3:13 - 14

The word ‘strife’ in verse 14 means selfish ambition. Before we meet God there is no sense in which we can care for another person. We can’t. Only God can bring care for a person. If you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, don’t boast about it. Wisdom of the world is destructive.

James 3:16

‘Confusion’ could mean unquietness. Confusion is a great cover up. What we like to do is portray what we want others to think about us.

It is possible that God can get hold of an individual, and they can be at peace knowing that God has come to this earth to sort out the sin that is in their heart. There’s a sense in which there’s a need to sort the sin issue out. But you say, “If God comes inside you become a robot.” No, what I’m saying is that inside there is something you can’t stop if God has not changed you inside.

For some of you the reaction is, “If God can’t do it, I can’t do anything.” The purpose that God has for you today is this: He wants to change you on the inside, and He will. He is organising circumstances to hem you in. It’s a wonderful hemming in because it’s God’s love hemming you in.

He never gets it wrong with circumstances. The circumstances are there, driven by a God who loves you and who wants to reach you on the inside, to change you.

James 3:17 - 18

In other words, the fruit is righteousness and the peace makers bring it about. The opposite of verse 17 is the wisdom of this world, which is discordant, it is hard to be entreated, it is hard to help. One day they are this, the next they are that - you just don’t know where they are. They are full of hate, and in the inside is decay.

‘Without partiality’ is showing no favouritism. The opposite of that is a clique that puffs themselves up, and has their own personal opinions. ‘Without hypocrisy,’ the opposite of which is a double life; one thing here and something else outside.

James 4:1-3

For someone without God, everything is for the pursuit of pleasure, which doesn’t last. It’s possible to have everything which is geared to pleasure. Curiously, it’s as if you’ve asked God before, and it hasn’t worked out because you’ve asked for the wrong thing.

James 4:4-5

Obviously, the Gospel is for mankind and is the answer for mankind. These two verses, 4 and 5, wrongly taken would mean that God somehow is depriving you of something, that somehow the world has something which you are not allowed to have. That is how, in your mind, you justify what you do. That’s what the enemy puts in your mind. It’s funny how the spirit of the world portrays something as a must-have, and the spirit of the world says, “It doesn’t matter how far you go and what you do or say, and that you link up with these people who do you no good.” It’s of concern that anyone should be shunning God’s love for them.

James 4:6-7

Do you believe in God? Yes you do. Is there something inside you that’s prompting you about what you need to do? You need to submit yourself to God. One problem for some is that they’ve built up such a pathway that they like to go through. They know it is wrong but they still go through it. There’s been a prompting by God’s Spirit that actually says, “That is what I need to do; I need to submit myself to God.” That is the way of life; the other is the way of death.

James 4:8

This is saying that if I make a move in my heart to God, He will draw nigh to me. Who’s putting it in you to draw nigh to Him? He is. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t care about this. I know you do. I know that God is speaking to you. It doesn’t matter about the people around you.

James 4:9-10

You have what you have because of what God has done for you, because He loves you. You need to go to where you’re gut honest and know that you cannot sort your own life out. You say: “I need God to change me on the inside, because I am a sinner.”

James 4:10-12

Self-explanatory. We are all under the master.

James 4:13-14

God has His way in His people to perfect what He wants to do in His time. He’s our loving heavenly Father – see verse 13. In other words, the priority of someone’s life should be set in the context of, "What do you, God, want for my life? I want to do what you want me to do from now on in. As a father, mother, whoever you are. What God is putting his finger on this morning is to arrest your attention and to ask you what it’s going to be. Are you going to live a double life? Or are you going to be so honest, that no matter what happens, you are still there standing before God knowing that you need God to save you on the inside. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. There are so many people at the moment who are trying to make plans for their life, day by day. Hang on, who’s giving you the breath to breathe? Whose is your life?

James 4:17

Sin is knowing what to do and not doing it. The positives from these verses as to what you can do are:

James 4:7-10

I feel that today is a watershed, because what God wants is for you and me to be clear, going forward, following Him. What He doesn’t want is for us to be unclear. He doesn’t want us to have a foot in both camps, as in, the world as opposed to Him. Each person is of equal value in the sight of God. These verses this morning, if you like, take each person as an individual before God. For some of you I’m reinforcing where you are in God. As for me and my house we’ll serve the Lord. For some of you, the Holy Spirit is saying to you that you have to come down on one side or the other. You cannot go with spirit of the world that is where basically anything goes, but in church it’s a different image.

The wisdom comes from above. God is showing you things in your life at this moment because He loves you. We are all different but the common denominator is that He is our Saviour. He has cleansed us from above. He has cleansed on the inside. The power of sin has been broken in my life. I’m going God’s way.

Today God is saying, “Draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you.” Forget your image, and what others have said. Others have said, “What is church?” Church is about individual people, such as you and me. Church is a group of people for whom God send His Son. We need to get serious because life is serious. The devil says that as a Christian you can’t have fun because you can’t do Christian x or y. This is not true. The joy of the Lord is wonderful.

It’s an honour for me to be able to preach this to you and to myself because this word is the Word of God. If there’s anyone here who is hearing these words and knows that the Spirit is talking to you. The Spirit is saying that you need to set yourself to go God’s way. He got you here to hear these words. Is it going to be the wisdom not from above or the wisdom from above?

Sunday, 5 October 2008

God has Already Spoken

By Pastor Andrew Love 

For those who have doubts about past events and the way forward, God has already spoken. Today is the day of salvation. The questions that many people have is: I’m waiting for an experience of God, how long will it be before I meet him? Is this for me? Am I wasting my time? Some wonder "What more can I do?" And then others, who had definitely known the touch of God in their lives, and yet are comparing themselves to other people, are wondering, "Is what I had the real thing? Or am I to wait for something else? Everyone else’s experience seems more real, is mine a second class version? Am I third class, and so on, and will I ever make it to that level which is the real thing?"

I knew those thoughts weren’t right. And I said to God, "Please show me your answer to these questions. Show me that I might understand what is the answer." And I opened my Bible where I had left it off last time, in Isaiah.

Isaiah 55:1-11

These questions had been troubling me and I think sometimes when we pray we don’t expect an immediate response, but I opened my Bible and this is what I read. And from that moment there was no doubt about what I wanted to share with you. Some of you here this morning have not known anything other than church life. As we all grow up, whatever environment we grow up in, we all want to explore things which have not been part of our experience. We have to be careful.

Isaiah 55:2

We need to be careful as we look at our options in life and what our ambitions are, that what we put our energies into isn’t that which produces the wrong thing. You can end up having put all the time in and at the end you say, “What was it all about?”

Others may be here who weren’t in a Christian environment, and maybe what you’ve seen already is an environment where the product seems to you so pointless. Really, it doesn’t matter what your upbringing is, what this writer is flagging is, “Don’t spend money on that which does not satisfy.”

God wants to speak to you, He is speaking to you. And I don’t mean just now, just through what I’m saying, I mean God’s word has already gone out to you. Because if He wasn’t saying something, He wouldn’t say, "Listen." So if you’re waiting for God to speak, let me tell you, He already has.

What was the “unfailing love” He promised to David?

Psalm 89:20-28

Here is the covenant that God would enter with all of us. A covenant of love, of faithfulness, of mercy. Just listen and come.

Psalm 89:26

And when you listen and when you come, this is what it will produce in you: a recognition that everything comes from Him. He is the rock of my salvation. Listen, listen and come.

Isaiah 55:6

So what of the here and now? What are we waiting for?

2 Corinthians 6:2

So if you’ve been sitting there saying, “I’m waiting for God, maybe some day.” I’m saying to you that that day is now. Now is the day of salvation.

Isaiah 55:7

You know when you realise inside that things are not right. When you realise that what’s in your heart is not what should be there. And often it’s the circumstances of life that teach us that.

A group of women in a Bible study got onto the subject of the refiners fire - they didn’t know what it meant. In preparation for the following week they went away to find the point of the fire. One of the ladies went to a silversmith, and she watched him work the metal, how he heated it up. She understood that as the metal was heated the imperfections came to the surface, and he would get rid of these. Ultimately she said to him, "How do you know when it’s finished?" He said to her, "Oh that’s easy. It’s finished when I can see my image in the silver." That is how God works with us. Nothing is wasted.

I wonder as I look out on this family of God this morning, do you believe this word to you? It is for you and it is for now.

Isaiah 55:1

I can’t add to what this says. It doesn’t say that when you come and when you turn that the heavens will open. It doesn’t say that there will be a lightning flash. It doesn’t say that you will have an electric shock. What it does say is this: He will have mercy upon him and will abundantly pardon. It says, "Come, listen and I will make an everlasting covenant with you" – that’s what it says. Am I saying that God won’t give you experiences? No, He will. I’m saying that this is the foundation of everything: come open your ears, today is the day of salvation.

We need to get to know the Scriptures, individually. Not relying on church but knowing it for yourself.

God has already spoken to you and it is in this Book. He will make it alive to you and Christ will rise in your heart.

A friend of mine, who is, I guess, a business colleague, has taken it upon himself to undertake one-on-one Bible studies with non-Christians. So far, I think he is working with eight men in London; he’s taking them through the Gospel of John. I meet up with him from time to time, and he tells me how it is going.

This verse sums up his motivation for doing what he is doing:

2 Peter 1:19

Isaiah 55:10-11

God has already spoken. He describes how He has spoken and what is the effect in this scripture. It is just like the rain that waters the earth, and as the earth is watered it brings forth fruit. The fruit is seed to the sower and bread to the eater. On the one hand, bread for the hungry, and on the other hand, seed to be replanted so that there is more fruit to feed the hungry.

When we were away on holiday, we met a couple. They were going for the first time on a mission to Ghana. We met them at a dinner party and they were talking about their preparations for this trip. They told us about how God had provided everything for them. Although they were apprehensive, they were excited. I’ve heard through other friends that they had a fantastic time.

While they were there, and I think it was the end of a long day, when David had seen several hundred patients, the church team brought him a little girl in a bad state. He realised that she had been beaten. He asked her who had done it to her, and the answer was her mother. David was indignant at this so he asked to see the mother. He spent some time with her explaining that her child was a gift from God, so should be treasured and nurtured. The long and the short of the story was that the mother came to the church meeting, and at the end of the meeting, there she was at the front. She gave her heart to Christ, and committed her life to Him. She came, she listened and she turned.

You see, the seed that was bread to David, became the seed to be sown in his hand. He’s just an ordinary guy. When I met him, we talked and he just opened up to me about what God has done in his life. And then I heard about his trip to Ghana, and then the bread that had been provided to him: the bread to the eater and the seed to the sower. This is what it is all about. It’s why we do what we do here in church, in outreach. But more than that, this is our daily walk.

Isaiah 55:11

I wonder where you stand this morning. All your hopes and ambitions and ideas for the rest of your life - be careful what they are grounded in. Is it for things that will satisfy or is it for this bread? Have you been waiting for God to do something, and in the meantime you just carry on? His word has already gone out. Come, listen, turn.