If you look at any headlines currently the collective fear factor is colossal. If you look at the way things are going with the economy, if you see the attempts to analyse what no one has encountered before, it is extremely reassuring to read this verse. There is no limit to God’s source. He is the ultimate source of supplying all your need. It’s according to His riches in glory. It’s a heavenly source, an eternal source. More than ever before, our focus needs to be on Him. This credit crunch is coming ever closer to home and there are some already looking for new jobs. If you take the headlines onboard and allow it to take hold in your heart, fear will come to you. You’ll end up paralysed in your thinking. If your focus is instead on this verse, upon Him, then your thinking will be kept in the right way.
Philippians 4:19
I want to look at a man who had a need and came to Jesus. Interestingly, the first miracle Jesus did was to turn the water into wine at Cana in Galilee. And now we’re back there again.
John 4:46-50
This man’s son was dying. He had heard about Jesus and the miracle in Cana. Jesus’ word to the nobleman was, “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” There was no proof that his son had been healed. But when Jesus spoke that word life came, and even though the man hadn’t seen it, he believed it. It was as if all he needed from Jesus was something to confirm that He was involved with his problem.
From the next few verses we know the man was away from home overnight. So it was quite some time before he returned home to where his son was. And that “quite some time” might be the situation you’re in. You know God has spoken and will provide, but it’s been quite some time that you’ve been hanging in there. You can rely on the fact that God has spoken. No way will your prayer be unheard.
John 4:51-52
The nobleman stood there and thought back ... “When did Jesus say those words?”
John 4:53-54
Keep track of what you’re saying to God. As you keep track, you’ll look back and know when God provides that solution, when He made something happen. When the media would say it can’t happen, you’ll be able to look back like this man.
I wonder what the nobleman was thinking about overnight. He was relying on this word. I want to confirm to you that God’s solution to your seemingly impossible situation is on its way. And you’ll see over the coming weeks how, in the midst of economic turmoil, God will provide the solution for you. When it seems impossible that you’ll find a job, that things will sort out for the children, know that your God shall supply all your need.
What God wants to do is to prove to you who He is. My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. For this nobleman, distance and time didn’t matter. The fact is that the answer was given: “Your son lives.” At that point, he lived.
Your prayers have already been answered, and there is a solution on its way for you, with no doubt. The worse it gets in the world, the more you will see how your solution could only come from God. You’ll know it’s of Him. He loves you. The darker the room, the more poignant the light. For the nobleman things were dark. But He got to Jesus, and Jesus’ words supplied all he needed.
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