The Bible is very practical.
Philippians 4:1
We have looked previously at how the church of Philippi was formed and the bond that was formed between Paul and the people.
Philippians 4:2
It’s good to be of the same mind as someone else, but you have to be founded in the right way, you both have to be Christians. You can identify with your brother and sister if they are Christians. To have fellowship with them, that identification is fundamental.
Philippians 4:3
Your name is written in the book of life
Your name will be written in the book of life because of what Jesus Christ has done for you. It’s not that you’ve done a certain amount of things, or performed a certain way of life. This is written in present tense – your name is written. Your name is written in the book of life when Jesus Christ comes inside your heart and your sins are forgiven.
A Christian is someone who knows that God has got hold of them and they want to do God’s will in their life.
Philippians 4:4-6
In everything
God is running the agenda because He loves you. His agenda is that He wants to prove His love for you more and more. I’ve witnessed how things that could apparently cause incredible harm are being turned around completely because God is at work. ‘In everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.’
Philippians 4:7
Without a shadow of a doubt in the midst of turmoil, of apparent destruction, there is a peace in God, that He gives. It passes all understanding because naturally you would act differently.
Philippians 4:8
This is what we are meant to do. It is proactive, it is practical – we are to think on these things.
When Paul was under house arrest his secret was to concentrate on all these things. If we do this, we will be surprised what God will do in our midst. In your thought life, be positive and think on the right things. Make a habit of thinking on the right things. God really does know what He is doing because He loves you and He lives inside you. It is Jesus Christ and He is your foundation.
This verse was not to encourage the Philippian church to shrink, it was for all of them to look to God, and to show them how to carry on living.
Think on these things and you will think right and you will be surprised - more God-conscious than ever before.
Philippians 4:9
In other words, people of Philippi, ‘You know what I was like when I was with you, I’m just explaining what I am about, and that is Jesus Christ. What I want you to do is cultivate your way of thinking so that you think on all these things.’
Your mind never stops working and you dwell on what goes in. What are you dwelling on? If you dwell on what is pure, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report then the peace of God will be there. Not so that you become an irrelevance to the world and its problems, but you will know who your foundation is, where you’re going and what you want to do in life.
God is building His church.
He cares about us and as we go forward together, we will realise more and more the goodness of God and His love. He is in control. He loved you so much that He knew His son had to come to this earth for you.
Philippians 4:8
God will outwork His love in you and me.
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