God’s whole nature is one of love. We have to be focussed on the fact that He loves us and is in complete control of everything.
Who is God?
1 John 4:7 - 8
I want to examine the nature of God and what this means, because it has a direct bearing on our appreciation of our Creator. Our Creator is the one who has redeemed us and given us life, the one who dwells in our hearts. As Christian’s we know that we are on the path which leads to the place where one day we shall see Him.
Given that God is love, as we read the following scriptures; I am going to replace the word agape – charity – with God, because He is love.
1 Corinthians 13:1 – 3
Sometimes we assume familiarity with these verses; I think it’s possible to forget what can be done without God. I can give my body to be burned. I can have faith to move mountains. Those things are possible without God but without God it means nothing.
The list is profound – tongues, prophecy, understanding all mysteries. You can do all of that, and yet without God it is nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:5
What is the nature of agape love? What is His nature? He suffers long, He is patient and kind. He doesn’t envy, doesn’t vaunt Himself – is not rash. He is not full of Himself. He thinks no evil whatsoever. As He is working His purposes out on this earth and building His church in His way in His time, He does it on the basis of His love for us.
1 Corinthians 13:6
I want to amplify this - that God rejoices in the truth.
John 15:26 - 27
The role of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth, is to testify of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to testify to God, and God is love.
John 16:13 - 15
He isn’t trying to force us to glorify Him. He is a God who is love. He wants to demonstrate His love to you and has already done that in sending His son to die on the Cross for you. God is about His love and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth who will refer everything about Jesus Christ to you. That’s His role.
If I believe that the Holy Spirit is here and is using these words to give you faith, and I do, He’s saying to you God is love and He is interested in you more than you realise. He loves you.
1 John 5:20
We’ve seen that God is love. He rejoices in the truth and the spirit of truth is here because He wants to focus our minds on Him. He does not want you to focus on anything else but Jesus Christ and who He is.
God never fails
1 Corinthians 13:1 - 8
God never fails. He knows what He is doing. He is so careful for each one of us.
1 Corinthians 13:9 - 13
He is alpha and omega. He started what He started in your life because He is going to complete it. God is a faithful witness and the work He has done in you is secure, solid and eternal.
It is truth and love that confront। Someone who doesn’t know God is confronted by something so wonderful when he hears truth and love. When God comes, He confronts that situation, and it is His love which draws us to repentance. He is love.
1 Corinthians 16:13 – 14
God is the focus, the centre. He’s the one.
Quit you like men. Be strong. And let everything be done with God. That’s what we need to do. We’re focussing on Him, and He is in complete control.
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