Pastor Linnecar continues to look at the truth which lies behind the man we have learnt to write off as Doubting Thomas, but who should rather be seen as Believing Thomas.
Thomas, is often referred to as Doubting Thomas, and he has that title because of the episode we know, when he wanted to be sure for himself that Jesus had risen from the dead. I referred to the earlier time when he was with Jesus.
The wonderful thing about studying the characters of the apostles is that it dawns on you that Jesus Christ manages to reach any individual, any personality. I want to state categorically that Jesus Christ is alive. It doesn’t matter what the enemy throws at you, doesn’t matter what voices you hear off-stage, what people try and cover up with, Jesus Christ is alive and is here now. How do we know that? He’s here by His Holy Spirit. He was here when the choir got here this morning to practise. He’s here because He loves you.
On Friday we looked at a time when Jesus was saying a few things and the Pharisees and others didn’t like what He said, and were about to stone Him. Jesus left that place and heard that Lazarus was sick. Then He stayed where He was, even though He knew that Lazarus was dead.
John 11:14-16
They knew that when Jesus said they would go over to him, he was walking into a den of lions. But Thomas’s reaction was that he was going to go too. There was a courage in Thomas. He knew as he walked with Jesus over those years, there was something different about Him. As they walked with Him, they tried to work out what He meant – would He bring triumph over the Romans, for instance?
John 13:36-53
Jesus always tells the truth. But here Thomas wondered whether he did know the way.
John 14:5-7
What a reply to Thomas’s question! Jesus patiently in the earshot of all the disciples said He was the way, the truth, the life, and no man comes to the Father but by Him.
So that’s why in the last week, God by His Holy Spirit has been talking to you, and has been asking you this question – “Do you believe in me? Do you realise that up to this point, I’ve guided you. I’ve been with you.” “Right up to this point, I am the way the truth and the life. You don’t have to find out some hidden thing – I am the way.”
I’m sure it dawned on Thomas a little bit more that there was something totally different about getting involved with Jesus. He didn’t say, “I tell the truth”: it was “I am the truth.” It wasn’t that there are various ways you could try: “I am the way.” It wasn’t that there are various forms of life. “I am the life.”
That’s why everything turns on you and your relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is central to everything. And this morning He wants to remind you that every prayer you’ve prayed in the last week, anything which is on your heart, He’s heard you. And quite specifically this morning, He’s here for you.
“I am the way, the truth and the life.” So when Jesus died on the cross, Thomas couldn’t figure it out. “He told me I am the way, the truth and the life.” He was now crucified. And sometimes we can’t figure things out. Sometimes we think that God has somehow messed it up. Sometimes we think He hasn’t heard us, or that we don’t deserve anything because we’re no good. But there mere thought of getting things from God because of good deeds is completely wrong.
There’s something about the way God plans our lives which shows the intent of Him who loves you to reveal Himself to you. I know some people would dismiss all this, and say, “I don’t believe all this.” But if truth were known, these people in their heart of hearts know that something inside needs sorting out. And God by His grace – somehow He organises things so we find a solution.
“But Christianity is just a crutch. I don’t need Christianity. You do – you’re weak.” Well yes, I am weak. When it came to the power of sin in my life, I needed a solution. I was getting nowhere.
There was an honesty about Thomas. With Peter it was all up-front. Everyone knew what he thought. With Thomas there was always, “That’s true. I believe it. But I need clarification.”
I’ve done quite a bit with personality profiling. It’s often used in interviews – the four different aspects of a personality. And it’s fascinating to me to see the different types of personalities there are – the DISC model. If you’re a high “C” you want to dot every I and cross every T. And we need people like that. If you’re high “D”, it’s over the top, follow me. Thomas, I think, was more of a high “C” than a high “D”. But I think he was actually quite bold, because he often spoke up what others were only thinking – “We don’t actually know the way.” “If he’s going back to Judea, I’m with Him.”
And then Jesus died, and the first day of the week, Mary came to the tomb, and then found Peter and John, and they went to the tomb, and then Mary stood outside the sepulchre weeping, and had a personal encounter with Jesus.
Already before the Holy Spirit was given, Jesus was talking to Mary, telling her He was ascending to His Father, their Father, His God, their God. And that’s why you’re here this morning. Regardless of anything you’ve done this week, God has drawn you.
We’re not told what the disciples thought when Mary went to them. But they were glad when Jesus came to them that evening. But Thomas wasn’t there that evening. We don’t know why. Maybe he wasn’t as afraid of the Jews as they were.
Jesus said to the disciples – “Here are my hands and side – it really is me.”
And then Jesus left. Twice, He said, “Peace be unto you.” When the sea billows roll, there is a peace in Christ, which this world cannot give. He is our peace. And this morning, His words to some of you are, “Peace be unto you – peace, right in the midst.”
Jesus heard what Thomas said. I know you know that. But I want to concentrate on the timing, because God’s timings in your life are perfect.
There are people sitting here who are still looking for a job. I could quote you a number of people who sat where you are, where at the right time the job was made available and it has been secure. There is nothing God will not sort out for you. He’s your provider. Those facing financial difficulties – He is your provider. Whatever your difficulties are, God’s timing is perfect. What happened last year is in God’s timing for your life.
Was Thomas being stubborn – “I won’t believe unless I put my hands into His side”? I don’t think it was like that. I think he almost didn’t dare to believe what they were saying as true. He’d been so close to Jesus.
That night, Thomas went to sleep wondering. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust what the others disciples were saying. He’d been with them for at least three years. Why didn’t God include Him in what had happened? God listens to our thoughts. We’re talking here about the character of God who is a God of love. He hears you. Even this week He’s been listening. He’s not weak.
The next night Thomas went to bed like this. And the next, and the next. For seven nights he was trying to reconcile himself to the fact that God had revealed Jesus to the others and he hadn’t been there. He wanted it to happen to him. He wanted to be certain. He didn’t dare believe until he was sure.
Don’t stop coming to church. There’s something about when we meet together, that God by His Holy Spirit through His word reveals Himself. We don’t earn brownie points by coming to church, but when God reveals Himself it’s special.
Thomas still met with the other disciples even though Jesus hadn’t revealed Himself to them. And then Jesus came again. Imagine the effect upon Thomas. Wow – He’s showed up again! He’s here – I can see Him! What am I going to do now? What’s He going to say to me after what I’ve done?
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in your life. It doesn’t matter the verbal abuse you’ve aimed at God – He’ll still keep coming.
Don’t react by saying you’ll just carry on doing it. Inside you know what I’m saying is true – you’ve been like Thomas. But Jesus by His Holy Spirit is here this morning.
When Jesus came He didn’t have a go at Thomas. He liked him. He knew he was straight and honest. Jesus didn’t speak to the others – He just looked straight at Thomas and told him to reach into His side.
“Be not faithless, but believing.” This is the bottom line for you this morning, and for me.
“Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed.” That’s us. He’s here by His Holy Spirit. Same thing.
A little later, Thomas was with the disciples on the beach when Jesus appeared and told Simon to throw out the nets. Thomas specifically is mentioned as being there this time.
Thomas’s life thereafter was a continuous proclamation of the risen Christ. He ended up being martyred for the Gospel, but it’s thought that before that he preached the Gospel at various places in India.
God by His Holy Spirit causes us to see. He’s doing that even now as I speak. To see what? To see who Jesus Christ really is. “My Lord and my God,” Thomas said. Is He your God this morning? Or is your God yourself, your intellect? Is your God mere cynicism and dismissiveness, bound up in me, me, me? God doesn’t want that.
What Jesus was all about was others, others, others – the whole world. This morning, I want to encourage each one of you that in the same way that Jesus heard all that Thomas thought and said, so Jesus Christ has heard you this week. And this morning He’s speaking to you because He wants that relationship to be real to you.
I think rather than Doubting Thomas, the phrase should be Believing Thomas. He was true and honest, and God revealed Himself to Him.
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