I want to refer to some verses which result in you being assured of your position in Jesus Christ. Also the fact that he is in complete control and also I want to convey to you the fact that as a result of him rising form the dead, we have total victory in our lives, through him.
1 Peter 3:16-17
That’s where we stopped last time.
And this whole letter was written when there was persecution for the Christians and more persecution on its way. It is significant that we make a stand for what is true and what is right and I have total confidence that what God is doing, you will see the outworking of the fact that he is risen from the dead and by his Holy Spirit he will fulfil his purposes in your life. He will. The outworking of his Spirit in you will be that you will communicate that life to others.
What is happening is that God is alive and that God is outworking his purposes. And what Peter is conveying here in his letter is, what you are believing in, is the finished work of God.
1 Peter 3:18
What God has done in Christ is that he has brought you to God. Naturally speaking, you didn’t want to know and I didn’t want to know. As the result of what Jesus Christ did on the cross, giving his life, taking into himself your sin and my sin, as a result, he has brought you to his Spirit; quickened by his Spirit. He is the author and the finisher of your faith.
What God is communicating to you and me is that he is alive, that you have an integral part to play in God’s purposes, not only as an individual but in this church.
Hebrews 9:24-28
Now I want to you to note there in v27, that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Revelation 20:11-15
All that to say from Hebrews and Revelation, the whole tenor of scripture is that when we die, we die. And, in our life, we’ve either responded to God or we haven’t. It isn’t the case that after we die, somehow there’s a second chance. It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgement. And Revelation talks about how people will be judged according to the works they’ve done and how they’ve lived their lives.
1 Peter 3:18-20
If you look at commentaries on these two verses, there are multi-various thoughts on what these two verses mean. Someone might say, “Well when Jesus was taken from the cross and up until he was risen, he went to preach to some people in the prison”. That just goes against what we read in Revelation and Hebrews that it is appointed unto everyone once to die...
I think it is saying that we need to live Christian lives, and if we live right, we will suffer persecution. In the same way, when Noah was preparing the ark, he was laughed at. They also scoffed at Noah for his trust and faith in God. In 2 Peter, we read this verse:
2 Peter 2:4-5
2 Peter 2:9
The result of his preaching, he only found Noah and his family in faith. If we look back in Genesis at the time of Noah, and the violence at that time, it was a horrendous mess. And Noah preached righteousness and the parallel for Peter is that there is an example of someone who has stuck at it, stood his ground, and trusted his God despite everything going on around.
And when he refers to the preaching, it is our responsibility how we respond to that preaching in our lives.
1 Peter 3:18-20
Noah kept going despite the result.
1 Peter 3:21
In other words, the same way that Noah was involved in lots of water and he was saved as a result of floating on that water. In the same way you know water is involved in baptism, it’s as if when you go down into the water, you are put to death in Christ, and then when you come out of the water, you are brought up out of the sin.
The fact of Jesus Christ’s resurrection is your and my security, as we go through life, as different circumstances happen. You can be sure that the author of your faith will finish the work in your life. There is no way that somehow he is going to misfire or take a wrong turning in your life. My response is that is your heart is open toward God and in all honesty you want to do his will, he will show you. He will make it possible for you to know in your gut, the right way forward. However it is, God is faithful and he doesn’t want you to go wrong. You can’t twist God’s arm, but if you know that deep down, in all honesty, ‘Lord I need to know the right way forward’, He will show you. All I want to convey to you tonight that as a result of the finished work of Christ on the cross, as a result of where he is now...
1 Peter 3:22
Now, I’d like you to turn to Matthew, because Jesus had some words about this.
Matthew 28:16-18
All power. There is nothing that will prevent God’s purposes being fulfilled in your life. All power. As a result of that, he now says in v19,
Matthew 28:19-20
The fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead; the fact that he was taken up to heaven; the fact that he is seated on the right hand of God; the fact that he was given all power in heaven and in earth that when Jesus Christ by his Spirit wants to work in you, so it is you will fulfil his purpose for His life, which are the best for you.
Ephesians 1:15-23
If someone makes fun of you because you want to go God’s way, if someone ridicules you because you are a making a stand in what you believe in, because you want Jesus Christ to be first in your life; keep standing. Be resolute. Jesus Christ rose from the dead; he’s seated in heavenly places. He is outworking his purposes. It's God’s purpose in your life. It’s you being moved by God’s spirit to go God’s way.
Colossians 1:16-18
That in all things he might have the pre-eminence. So in any decision that you’re facing, what will be the result? Will it be that Jesus Christ has the pre-eminence or not? Will it be the priority to fulfil God’s purposes or not? He’s seated in heavenly places at the right hand of God. He wants us to do his will on this earth. And when Peter wrote to these Christians, he was saying ‘it doesn’t matter what happens, what persecution you get, whatever people say, if people are trying to pull you down, Jesus Christ rose from the dead; Jesus Christ is victorious’. And by his spirit you will fulfil his purposes for your life. In tough times, we’re going to lift him up and realise our position in God.
God is at work in your life, and what he has started he will complete. Keep standing for truth. In your workplace, keep standing for truth. With your neighbour, keep standing for truth. With your family, keep standing for truth; by God’s Holy Spirit.
Friday, 17 April 2009
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