- Are you worried about peer pressure?
- Do you feel that you are shut out of your child’s life?
- Are you concerned about how much time your kids spend chatting on the internet?
- Are your teenagers tearaways?
- How do you bring up children?
- Have you lost communication with your child?
- Are you concerned about who your children are mixing with?
- What should you do if your child starts lying?
- How much freedom should you give them, what is reasonable…?
- Does it matter if we don’t eat meals together?
- Do you have rebellion in
your home? - The importance of consistency…
So what is the right way?
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6
This series addresses the issues which concern you as a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, and find the right way in God’s word.
PART 1: The heart of a parent is to reach out with love and compassion to our children, and to build the principles of God into their lives so that they are equipped to stand in an uncertain world.
PART 2: Pastor Carolyn Linnecar shares the principles of bringing up children, focusing on the early years of a child’s life. The establishment of a child’s trust in the word of God starts with trust in the word of the parents.
PART 3: Pastor Peter Linnecar concentrates on older children and the importance of communication between them and with their parents.
PART 4: IT consultant Paul van Haver presents useful and practical information for parents about the technology their children are likely to be using, specifically focusing on the internet and its associated dangers and benefits.
External Links:
Listen to the online sermon (Podcast) »
Watch the program online (YouTube) »
Download the PowerPoint notes »
PART 5: Pastors Peter and Carolyn Linnecar look at the life of Caleb, showing us to look at the nature of our Father, rather than getting swamped with fears and doubts we realise that there is nothing that He will withhold from those who love Him and walk with Him.
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